Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile
Mirijam Zobel


Professor, Institute of Crystallography, RWTH Aachen and Director JCNS-3, FZ Jülich: nanostructured interfaces, energy materials, X-ray and neutron scattering.

ID: 1263386085184475137

linkhttp://www.ifk.rwth-aachen.de calendar_today21-05-2020 08:28:29

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Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Group Leader position available: "Neutron Scattering in Energy Materials" at Jülich Centre for Neutron Science, with possible long-term prospects. Apply until 20th March! Forschungszentrum Jülich | @[email protected] Neutron Sources fz-juelich.de/en/careers/job…

Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hiring! Open #PhDposition RWTH Aachen to study heterogeneous catalysts in-situ with X-rays. Travel to synchrotrons and use state-of-the art scattering techniques for understanding and driving future catalyst design. ifk.rwth-aachen.de/cms/ifk/das-in…

GE3C (@ge3c_rseqf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢International Summer Programme on Neutron and X-Ray Science for undergraduate students. 📍 Grenoble, 1st-28th September, 2024 🖍️workshops.ill.fr/e/SummerSchool…

📢International Summer Programme on Neutron and X-Ray Science for undergraduate students.
 📍 Grenoble,  1st-28th September, 2024
Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Commercial catalyst supports of γ-Al2O3 are often more disordered than conventional structural models make you believe. A recently discovered δ5-Al2O3 phase can yield improved PDF fits - check out this δ5-phase here: mdpi.com/2738694 #mdpicatalysts, Catalysts MDPI

Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Open #PhD position: How do reactant molecules diffuse on catalyst surfaces? With neutron spectroscopy, we tackle this important question. Apply now to join our team at JCNS-3 Forschungszentrum Jülich | @[email protected]: fz-juelich.de/de/karriere/st…

Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are hiring! Postdoc with option for staff scientist – Neutron Spectroscopy for Energy Materials. Join our team at JCNS-3 Forschungszentrum Jülich | @[email protected], travel to Neutron Sources worldwide and unravel the dynamic and electronic properties of energy materials. fz-juelich.de/en/careers/job…

RWTH Aachen (@rwth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The German Conference on #Neutron Scattering 2024 will take place at #RWTH on September 16-18 and offers a forum for the presentation and fruitful discussion of recent results and advances. Abstracts will be accepted until June 1: ➡️fz-juelich.de/en/jcns/expert… Forschungszentrum Jülich | @[email protected]

The German Conference on #Neutron Scattering 2024 will take place at #RWTH on September 16-18 and offers a forum for the presentation and fruitful discussion of recent results and advances. Abstracts will be accepted until June 1:


<a href="/fz_juelich/">Forschungszentrum Jülich | @fzj@social.fz-juelich</a>
Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Neutron diffraction: a primer": Fresh off the press and a great collaborative effort Richard Dronskowski to summarize the current state and future perspectives of neutron diffraction, written also for new users of this powerful technique: degruyter.com/document/doi/1… De Gruyter Brill

Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Der Beschluss des Bundeskabinetts zur Reform des WissZeitVG überraschte das KFN. Wir haben uns nun für die Möglichkeit der Drittmittelbefristung vor der Qualifizierungsbefristung positioniert, und fordern ein Überdenken der Befristungshöchstgrenze: sni-portal.de/de/Dateien/ste…

Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are so glad to organise this great conference with Forschungszentrum Jülich | @[email protected] and to welcome directors from major neutron facilities Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) ESS and Institut Laue-Langevin in Aachen to present recent and future upgrades for users, as well as prospects for a@hbsneutron in Germany.

Matteo Bianchini (@mbianchini87) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Abstract submission is still open for the symposium "Neutrons in energy materials research"! September 16th-18th Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2024 in Aachen. 🇩🇪 (2024 German Conference on Neutron Scattering, but it is in English 😁) fz-juelich.de/de/jcns/expert…

Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A great meeting with many remowned experts! Join to discuss the future and technology of national neutron facilities as offered by HiCANS sources like HBS.

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) (@mlz_garching) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Das Instrument ERWIN am FRM II sucht einen Ingenieur (m/w/d)!🧑‍💻👩‍💻 Arbeite nah am Betrieb und unterstütze unsere Forschenden beim Aufbau und der Durchführung von Experimenten! Mehr Informationen hier👉t1p.de/vvo1e #neutronen #wissenschaft #ingenieur #jobangebot

Das Instrument ERWIN am FRM II sucht einen Ingenieur (m/w/d)!🧑‍💻👩‍💻

Arbeite nah am Betrieb und unterstütze unsere Forschenden beim Aufbau und der Durchführung von Experimenten!

Mehr Informationen hier👉t1p.de/vvo1e

#neutronen #wissenschaft #ingenieur #jobangebot
Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are proud that a neutron spectroscopy study with Maksim Plekhanov's art was selected for the front cover: diffusion dynamics of ligand and water molecules on nanoparticle surfaces! Thanks to all co-authors & ACS for Authors. Forschungszentrum Jülich | @[email protected] RWTH Aachen

Mark Johnson (@markj_neutron) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A beautiful illustration - quasi elastic neutron scattering is a great technique for exploring and unraveling the diffusional dynamics of complex materials covering timescales from micro to pico seconds

Matt Tucker (@drmatttucker) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are looking for some motivated scientists to join the single crystal neutron diffraction group at ORNL. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please follow or pass on the link below. jobs.ornl.gov/Exempt/job/Oak…

Mirijam Zobel (@mirijamzobel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet us on 19th August at #ACSFall2024 with a talk on interfacial diffusion dynamics on iron oxide nanoparticles using neutron scattering! 02:40pm - 03:00pm MDT, Room 708 (Colorado Convention Center) Presenting data from Institut Laue-Langevin ANSTO Maksim Plekhanov