Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile
Minexcoin | MinexPay


We aim to be the first to turn a speculative asset into the real essence of money.

ID: 761588458095796224

linkhttps://minexpay.com/ calendar_today05-08-2016 15:43:32

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Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Recently, we have started to arrange meetings in AMA format with our CEO on a weekly base. All the questions-answers from the previous AMA sessions (on the 4th and 11th of April) you can read here telegra.ph/AMA-sessions-w…

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Если вы пропустили последнее АМА с СЕО в RU чате Telegram, его можна прочесть здесь telegra.ph/AMA-s-SEO-ot-1…

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

THE END OF RED LINE AND BEGINNING OF GREEN ONE Дорогое коммюнити, в течении определенного периода от нас не было новостей. Цель этого поста пролить свет на существующее положение и будущее развитие этого проекта. ЧАСТЬ 1 medium.com/@minecoinorg/t… ЧАСТЬ 2 medium.com/@minecoinorg/u…

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

THE END OF RED LINE AND BEGINNING OF GREEN ONE Dear community, you have not received news from us for some period. Here is the update about current situation and future development of the project. PART 1 medium.com/@minecoinorg/t… PART 2 medium.com/@minecoinorg/u…

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📌🗓️Как вы помните мы изменили формат общения с СЕО и командой и те-перь пользуемся формой для вопросов/предложений. Ответы на общие во-просы, которые могут заинтересовать наше комюнити мы публикуем в наших медиа. Первые Q&A уже в нашем Медиум medium.com/@minecoinorg/a…

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📌🗓️Now you can use the form to ask the question to the CEO or the Team. The most frequently asked questions and answers to it we publish in our media for the community interest. The latest medium.com/@minecoinorg/a…

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hello! We are going to send BTC that you have on Wallet.MinexPay.com Please write us on the email or your request may be missed! Instruction medium.com/@minecoinorg/o…

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear community! We want to notify you that MinexBank, MinexPay and Minex Explorer will not be available until Tuesday (10 Dec) due to technical works on servers. All your information and parkings are safe. Our apologies for inconveniences!

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear community! We want to notify you that MinexBank, MinexPay and Minex Explorer are available again. Our apologies for inconveniences! Уважаемое коммюнити! Сообщаем вам, что сервисы MinexPay, MinexBank и Minex Explorer снова доступны. Извините за неудобства!

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear Community!🚩🚩🚩 MinexBank rates are under review. New rates will be applied to MinexBank on the 5th of March (next Thursday). Please be aware that parkings which are made until March 5th will be paid out in accordance with the rates at the time of parking. Be in touch!

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear Community! We would like to inform you about a decision to close the project as after long time of work we have not managed to provide the community with expected results. Details medium.com/@minecoinorg/c…

Dear Community!
We would like to inform you about a decision to close the project as after long time of work we have not managed to provide the community with expected results. Details medium.com/@minecoinorg/c…
Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear community! Please take into consideration that withdrawal of non-reducible balance and BTC from MinexPay Web Wallet will be available until the 15th of May. Send requests to [email protected] with email address from the wallet and receiving address of your wallet.

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear community! Please be informed that all the parkings were paid out by MinexBank. Also, please take into consideration that our media and TG chats will be closed on May 15th. Best regards, MinexSytems

Minexcoin | MinexPay (@minexcoin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear community! We would like to ask big holders (those who bought mnx totally equal to 1k usd, despite time of buying) and miners to write us. Details medium.com/@minecoinorg/i…