Martin Sundqvist (@mikrosundq) 's Twitter Profile
Martin Sundqvist


Senior consultant, PhD, Clinical Microbiology, Örebro University Hospital. Views personal.

ID: 734973553477570560

calendar_today24-05-2016 05:05:25

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Ann Lindberg (@ann_lindberg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tyvärr Sveriges första fall av afrikansk svinpest på vildsvin konstaterats utanför Fagersta. Samverkan mellan ett stort antal aktörer pågår. Målsättning att lokalisera, avgränsa och bekämpa.…

Ed Kuijper (@edkuijper2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jongen Jensen on Mycoplasma genitalum and its increasing resistance to macrolides induced by low dosage and high load; first doxycycline, then high dosage opinies, trials difficult to perform ...#nscmid2023

Jongen Jensen on Mycoplasma genitalum and its increasing resistance to macrolides induced by low  dosage and high load; first doxycycline, then high dosage opinies, trials difficult to perform ...#nscmid2023
Martin Sundqvist (@mikrosundq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last lecture at #NSCMID2023 with Kristoffer Strålin Karolinska Institutet on Cortocosteroids in CAP. Thanks to all speakers and poster presenters and welcome to Oslo 29/8-1/9 2024 for the 40th NSCMID.

Last lecture at #NSCMID2023 with Kristoffer Strålin <a href="/karolinskainst/">Karolinska Institutet</a> on Cortocosteroids in CAP.  Thanks to all speakers and poster presenters and welcome to Oslo 29/8-1/9 2024 for the 40th NSCMID.
Leonard Leibovici (@leonardleibovi1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Clinical effectiveness of point of care tests for diagnosing urinary tract infection: a systematic review - Clinical Microbiology and Infection…

David Eyre (@drdavideyre) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Would you like to come to join our amazing ModMedMicro team in Oxford as a Research Software Engineer? Would suit someone who is established as an RSE, or someone who is keen and enthusiastic and wants to grow their skills (python, SQL, APIs, etc) -…

Martin Sundqvist (@mikrosundq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kul att ⁦⁦SVT Nyheter uppmärksammar mikrobiologidelen inom ⁦⁦Genomic Medicine Sweden⁩ Nu är det även upp till beslutsfattarna att göra de lagändringar som krävs för att data ska kunna delas mellan regionerna…

Martin Sundqvist (@mikrosundq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today ⁦David Nestor⁩ have the Clinical Genomics Webinar ⁦SciLifeLab⁩ on NA extraction and human depletion for diagnostic metagenomics. Thanks for a nice presentation! ⁦Örebro universitet⁩ ⁦Region Örebro län

Today ⁦<a href="/Daviestor/">David Nestor</a>⁩ have the Clinical Genomics Webinar ⁦<a href="/scilifelab/">SciLifeLab</a>⁩ on NA extraction and human depletion for diagnostic metagenomics. Thanks for a nice presentation! ⁦<a href="/orebrouni/">Örebro universitet</a>⁩ ⁦<a href="/regionorebrolan/">Region Örebro län</a>⁩
Martin Sundqvist (@mikrosundq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nice presentation by Sofia Brunet on national study on 16S metagenomics using #Nanopore long read sequencing in 17(!) microbiological labs in Sweden Promising retro toward a national pipeline and standardized protocol Genomic Medicine Sweden SciLifeLab #infektionmikro2024

Nice presentation by Sofia Brunet  on national study on 16S metagenomics using #Nanopore long read sequencing in 17(!) microbiological labs in Sweden Promising retro toward a national pipeline and standardized protocol <a href="/genomicmedswe/">Genomic Medicine Sweden</a>  <a href="/scilifelab/">SciLifeLab</a> #infektionmikro2024