Michael Hauger
Senior Advisor Transformation, Change, Leadership and Executive Communications; Certified Integral Development Coach (ICF); INSEAD EMC
ID: 751380418516099072
08-07-2016 11:40:26
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Die KION Group steht seit Wochen bereit, ihre Belegschaft gegen #Covid_19 zu #impfen - wie praktisch alle 3.300 VDMA Mitglieder. Helge Braun Steffen Hebestreit Jens Spahn #LasstDasMalDenBetriebsarztMachen! Wir Maschinenbauer können das! #CoronaImpfung
At this year's #AGM we successfully tried out a format, which so far has been unusual at AGMs: An live talk with KION Group #CEO Gordon Riske and CFO Anke Groth deep-diving into the hot topics of the #materialhandling and #supplychain solutions industry.
Operations of the Future: @BainAlerts and manager magazin have awarded KION Group with the #gamechangeraward. CEO Gordon Riske: „This award goes to the 36,000 best employees within our industry, who have created the fantastic success of KION.“
Many thanks to Gero Kalt of the F.A.Z.-Institut for an inspiring interview on how the comparably small #corporatecommunications team of KION Group builds on excellence and made the difference by driving forward #digitalcommunciations during the pandemic: bit.ly/3gD9RJp
Watch our for the unique #transatlantic insights of Gordon Riske, an American who has been leading three of the top Germany capital goods companies: @KUKA_DACH, DEUTZ AG and KION Group
#Diversity is one of the key foundations of the success of KION Group as a truely global Group with more than 36,000 members all over the world. Prowd to be one of them!
Endlich - 6 Monate nach den ersten #Impfungen in Deutschland - dürfen auch unsere Betriebsärzte mithelfen und die #Covid-Impfkampagne der Bundesregierung unterstützen. Lang hat's gedauert, aber jetzt geht's mächtig voran. Jens Spahn Helge Braun
„We are working in a really cool industry, which will come out of the pandemic even stronger“, said Gordon Riske, VDMA Material Handling and Inttralogistics Chairman, at the IFOY AWARD 2021 Ceremony.
Congratulations to the @STILL team in Denmark winning the IFOY AWARD Integrated Warehouse Solutions for a project for Danfoss Group! VDMA
Bei der KION Group haben wir in weniger als zwei Monaten bereits jeden vierten Mitarbeitenden in Deutschland geimpft! All diejenigen, die in #Impfzentrum und #Hausarztpraxen noch keinen Termin bekommen konnten, waren super dankbar. Großes Kompliment an unsere #BetriebsärztInnen.
It makes us KION Group communicators somewhat proud to see Daimler Truck borrowing for its #IPO our beautiful claim we have been using since 2008 and registered since 2012: "We keep the world moving." Welcome to Börse Frankfurt! KION Group: #WeKeepTheWorldMoving - together :-)
End of December KION Group CEO Gordon Riske is handing over to Rob Smith after 14 highly successful years at the helm of the company. In his farewell #ceointerview with Börsen-Zeitung editors Claus Döring and @KarolinRothbart he provides insights which he hadn't disclosed before.
Da heißt es: Aufgepasst! Für #Flurförderzeuge ist #Elektromobilität keine Zukunftsvision, sondern Realität im Alltag. Bei KION Group sind über 85% der Neufahrzeuge elektrisch. In der #EU-#Taxonomie findet das genau keine Berücksichtigung. Vorsicht vor #Etikettenschwindel!
#Change is daily business for communicators. I have made 2022 a year of change. After 3 decades in #corporatecommunications and 15 exciting years at the helm of KION Group's CorpComs, the CEO change is the right time to reorientate in my career as well. bit.ly/3pJW4GA
A very special (musical) #advent Calendar: Every day students from the Frankfurt University for Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK Frankfurt) surprise with a different piece from the (at least!) 555 virtuosic sonatas by Domenico #Scarlatti will be heard. lnkd.in/eTswKT37 Enjoy!