MHS-TV (@melrosehightv) 's Twitter Profile


Official Twitter of Melrose High TV, the video production program at Melrose High School. Here to promote student work and creativity!

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Mr. D’s OSCAR Challenge! What name will grace the coveted clapboard this year? Top 3 students & top 3 staff win prizes! Check back tomorrow for the winners! Jason Merrill The Academy Melrose High School MelrosePublicSchools #Oscars

Mr. D’s OSCAR Challenge! What name will grace the coveted clapboard this year? Top 3 students &amp; top 3 staff win prizes!  Check back tomorrow for the winners! <a href="/melrosemerrill/">Jason Merrill</a> <a href="/TheAcademy/">The Academy</a> <a href="/MelroseHS/">Melrose High School</a> <a href="/MelrosePS/">MelrosePublicSchools</a> #Oscars
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Mr D’s Oscar Challenge results are in! 1st Katherine (19) 2nd Dylan (18) 3rd Sofia (16) Staff Mr. Keoseyan (18) Thank you to all our participants! The Academy Jason Merrill MelrosePublicSchools MMTV #Oscar #MelrosePS

Mr D’s Oscar Challenge results are in!
1st Katherine (19)
2nd Dylan (18)
3rd Sofia (16)
Staff Mr. Keoseyan (18)
Thank you to all our participants!
<a href="/TheAcademy/">The Academy</a> <a href="/melrosemerrill/">Jason Merrill</a> <a href="/MelrosePS/">MelrosePublicSchools</a> <a href="/MMTV3/">MMTV</a> #Oscar #MelrosePS
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MHS-TV LIVESTREAM SCHEDULE Thursday 3/14 Melrose Band Night 7PM Can't make it? Tune in live on Xfinity/Verizon on MMTV and online at: V&PArts Melrose PS Jason Merrill MelrosePublicSchools @bandmelrose #MelrosePS

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SPRING SEASON! Tues Boys LAX Vs winchesterbvlax Varsity 4:15PM JV 5:30PM Weds Varsity Softball Vs Wakefield Athletics 4:15PM Tues 4/16 Boys LAX Vs North Andover High 11AM All games live on Xfinity/Verizon on MMTV & online: Melrose Athletics MelrosePublicSchools #MelrosePS

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MHS-TV LIVESTREAM SCHEDULE Tuesday Unified Basketball vs Reading, Ma Rockets 4:15PM Wednesday Girls LAX Vs Woburn Memorial HS 4:15PM (MelroseHighTV2) Spring Chorus Concert 7PM All programs live on Xfinity/Verizon on MMTV & online: Melrose Athletics MelrosePublicSchools #MelrosePS

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It's official! We will be premiering the MHS-TV senior internship production "Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund" at Senior Awards Night 2024! 5/23/24 MelrosePublicSchools MMTV Jason Merrill

It's official!  We will be premiering the MHS-TV senior internship production "Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund" at Senior Awards Night 2024! 5/23/24
<a href="/MelrosePS/">MelrosePublicSchools</a> <a href="/MMTV3/">MMTV</a> <a href="/melrosemerrill/">Jason Merrill</a>
MHS-TV (@melrosehightv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

LIVESTREAMS Mon BLAX V Watertown Athletics 4:15 PM Tues GLAX V Reading, Ma Rockets 4PM (MHS-TV2) Spring Orchestra Concert 7PM Weds GLAX V Stoneham Athletics 4:3PM Thurs Unified BBall V Watertown 4:15PM Live on Xfinity/Verizon on MMTV & online: Melrose Athletics MelrosePublicSchools

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New banners are here just in time for all our senior broadcasts! Look out for them at all our live streams with a handy link to the streams! Jason Merrill Melrose Athletics @melroseps MMTV #MelrosePS

New banners are here just in time for all our senior broadcasts!  Look out for them at all our live streams with a handy link to the streams!
<a href="/melrosemerrill/">Jason Merrill</a> <a href="/MHSathletix/">Melrose Athletics</a> @melroseps <a href="/MMTV3/">MMTV</a> #MelrosePS
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LIVESTREAMS 5/20-5/24 Tues Boys LAX Vs @MHSMagicians_AD 4:15PM Thursday Class of 2024 Senior Awards Night 6:30PM Friday Girls LAX Vs Lynnfield High 4:15PM All games live on Xfinity/Verizon on @mmtv3 and online at: Melrose Athletics MelrosePublicSchools #MelrosePS

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We had the big premiere of the MHS Permanent Scholarship video last night at Senior Awards Night. The interns really outdid themselves on this project! MelrosePublicSchools Jason Merrill #MelrosePS

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Last Morning Announcements for the year and we go out with a bang! Can't wait to build on this year's success next year!… Melrose Athletics MMTV MelrosePublicSchools #MelrosePS

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Live Schedule Wed Volleyball Vs Belmont High School Athletics JV 4:15PM V 5:30PM Thur Boys V Soccer Vs Reading, Ma Rockets 6:30PM Fri FR Football Vs Peabody Vet. Mem. HS 4PM Sat JV Football Vs Peabody 10AM All games live on Xfinity/Verizon on MMTV & online at: Melrose Athletics MelrosePublicSchools

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MHS-TV Live Sports 9/9-13 Mon Girls Soccer Vs Winchester Athletics 6:30PM Wed Volleyball Vs Winchester JV 4:15PM V 5:30PM Fri Football Vs Reading, Ma Rockets 7PM All games live on Xfinity/Verizon on MMTV & Online: Melrose Athletics MelrosePublicSchools #MelrosePS

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1,868,651 views = 5,028,000 Minutes... 83,800 Hours... 3,491 Days... 9.56 Years of total content watched! That is a lot of content! MMTV Melrose Athletics MelrosePublicSchools #MelrosePS

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MHS-TV Live Schedule 9/16-21. LET'S GO REDHAWKS!! Monday Volleyball Vs Shaun Hart JV 4:15PM Varsity 5:30PM Sat NESBA Marching Band Competition 6PM All games live on Xfinity/Verzion on MMTV & Online at: Melrose Athletics MelroseBand MelrosePublicSchools #MelrosePS