I saw a promo for the new Gladiator movie and said to my husband, “That looks good. I wonder if I need to see the original first so I know what’s going on.” My husband jumped up and with his full outside voice said, “YOU’VE NEVER SEEN GLADIATOR?!?”
2.5 hrs later, credits
The one thing a child can’t control is the father you give them. Tell black women to be more cautious of men who their child will call “daddy” for the rest of their life and they will act as if you’re sending them back to slavery.
there's a casually dismissive, borderline disdainful way we tend to talk about people's desire for things we consider to be basic or unimportant. As if wanting more is silly. Like, look at this unserious person. who told you life was supposed to be exciting? better face reality!
I know I’ve said this countless times but you do not need to do anything for someone to like you or be interested in you.
People like who they like, there are things that reinforce friendships/relationships but they’re just reinforcements.