melina mara
National Political Staff Photographer/Photojournalist at The Washington Post
ID: 22255006
http://melinamara.com 28-02-2009 13:34:43
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Republican women recognize the gender gap is a serious problem for their party. It’s unclear whether GOP men agree. Elise Viebeck and I take a look at the dynamics of the issue in tomorrow’s paper: washingtonpost.com/powerpost/cris…

Chuck Schumer Senator Bob Corker Jeff Flake poss others huddling in a back room just off the Senate floor.

Here's a link to the full package awarded the The Pulitzer Prizes today in explanatory journalism, which I shared with an extraordinary cast of colleagues. Thank you to the The Washington Post - a place that still has the ambition to do the hard stuff. washingtonpost.com/pr/2020/05/04/…

Millions of Americans don’t have clean running water. In the age of the coronavirus, that puts the entire population at risk. Via FrancesSteadSellers with magnificent photography from melina mara washingtonpost.com/national/ameri…