Medic (@medic11358726) 's Twitter Profile


Claud Regnard (Pall. Med. doc & bodhran player): constantly curious, pleasurably puzzled and enthusiastically energetic (except for exercise).

ID: 1435736290662789123

calendar_today08-09-2021 22:48:26

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Kevin Yuill (@historykev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œWith incredibly tight budgets and nursing homes costing well over Ā£1000 per week it is worrying to think that it would be economically useful if people chose to take the assisted dying route." Yet another MP opposes #assisteddying/#assistedsuicideā€¦

RichardHarding (@rhardingcsi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Palliative care is an overlooked global health priority"- today's BMJ Opinion Piece in advance of the 2024 WISH Summit next month and our report on 10 years progress in palliative care since the 2014 WHA resolution Cicely Saunders Institute at King's Prof Katherine Sleeman Cicely Saunders Int

Andrew Phillips (@andrewphil) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Latest for Star: Assisted suicide is being used to relieve people of poverty, isolation and social suffering. This is not OKā€¦ @torontostar #MAID #MAIDCanada Michael Cooper, MP Sonu Gaind The Conversation Canada #cdnpoli #onpoli

Trudo Lemmens (@trudolemmens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œMy death, my choiceā€ doesnā€™t let us off the hook as society. We have to decide: do we ensure people have support to live decently? Or do we collectively decide thatā€™s too complicated/expensive and usher them gently towards an early death?ā€ Txs Andrew Phillipsā€¦

Kelly (@broadwaybabyto) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œSome patients are being euthanized while suffering from untreated mental illnesses & addictions. Theyā€™re more likely to come from poor areas & be suffering from inadequate housing, lack of social supports & simple lonelinessā€ This is why disabled people are screaming about MAiD

Lord (David) Alton (@davidaltonhl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dr.Rajiv Shahā© former Special Advisor to a Lord Chancellor,Attorney-General & Prime Minister:ā€œAssisted Suicide on NHS would breach the ECHRā€-UKHumanRightsBlog ā¦ā¦ā¦Wes Streeting MPā© ā¦Keir Starmerā© ā¦Tanni Grey-Thompsonā© ā¦Liz "blue tick" Carrā©ā€¦

Better Way (@betterwayuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Professor Allan House, a psychiatrist, cautions that loneliness and social isolation will affect the decisions people make with regard to assisted suicide.

Kevin Yuill (@historykev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"...a system that Canadians thought was supposed to spare people in the last stages of life from needless pain and suffering" is now nudging some "toward death as a way to escape poverty, isolation and social suffering." #assisteddying/#assistedsuicideā€¦

Kevin Yuill (@historykev) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If this is true, we'd expect to see suicide rates go down in areas where it is legal. But they don't. Seeā€¦

Prof Katherine Sleeman (@kesleeman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

David Oliver I really hope The BMJ will offer the same platform to the APM to allow them to respond (if they choose to). The APM position statement on assisted dying (not mentioned in that piece) is very clear about pleurality of views.ā€¦

Dr Rachel Clarke (@doctor_oxford) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So very sorry to hear this, Ashley. Janey was such an incredibly kind-hearted, funny, brilliant woman who brought joy and light to so many of us. She will be so missed. Wishing your whole family much love šŸ©·

Prof Katherine Sleeman (@kesleeman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some very important points here, and key questions, around the ā€˜judicial safeguardā€™ that is likely to be included in Kim Leadbeater MBE MP ā€˜s assisted dying Bill.

Medic (@medic11358726) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Let's be clear about these medical MPs: 2 are GPs and 2 are surgeons. Caring for a heart patient did not turn them into cardiologists. These are not palliative care specialists. Too many bad deaths are caused by a lack of access to specialist palliative care.

Medic (@medic11358726) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The real tragedy is the lack of access to specialist palliative care affecting >300 every day in the UK. Sadly Frank only had a GP visit before he died, not a specialist palliative care team to treat his pain & distress. He certainly deserved more.

Care Not Killing (@cnkalliance) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ā€œThis upcoming [#assistedsuicide] bill in Parliament worries me. We have a threadbare NHS. We have a broken social care system. And we have an inhumane benefits system. Those three things are the barriers to people living independent lives.ā€ ā€” George Fielding BEM

Buckinghamshire Disability Service BuDS (@buds_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hospices for dying people are badly funded. NHS palliative and end-of-life care is badly funded. No wonder people think assisted suicide is a better option than the end-of-life lottery. Let's fix the NHS and hospices before we start killing patients.

Medic (@medic11358726) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"People like Liz who live alone and in more deprived areas are more likely to spend longer in hospital at the end of their lives, and to die there too. Happily for Liz, the availability of a hospice meant she could avoid this scenario."

Yuan Yi Zhu (@yuanyi_z) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sir James Munby, formerly Britain's most senior family judge, calls out the Kim Leadbeater assisted suicide bill's supposed judicial safeguards as unworkable. The Leadbeater bill is a terrible vehicle for a terrible idea. The fact she hasn't even published its text says it all.

Philip Murray (@philipmurraylaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is a major story that requires the closest scrutiny from MPs before they cross the Rubicon and enact assisted suicide laws. Palliative care doctors, hospices, lawyers and now a very senior judge are all expressing serious misgivings. MPs donā€™t need to do this.