Medical Decision Making
Medical Decision Making is published 8x per year - To improve public health and clinical care, MDM offers rigorous, systematic approaches to decision making.
ID: 1246416884 06-03-2013 16:01:59
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In 2018, American Academy of Pediatrics recommended three screening approaches to identify early onset sepsis in infants born at >= 35 weeks. ➡️ What are the costs associated with each approach? ➡️ New paper in Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice… 🧵
Patients with a strong desire for surgery were less likely to choose the use of a decision aid for orthopedic care of hip and knee osteoarthritis. Jesse Jansen jeroen bossen #caphri #maastrichtuniversity #decisionmaking
Key digital health stakeholders seem unclear on how to value provider-facing technologies. This value framework is the first attempt to contribute towards that goal. LSE Medical Technology Research Group #digitalhealth #HTA #assessment
A new study develops and applies a framework for reducing bias in county-level estimates from the COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey. Marissa Reitsma, Sherri Rose, Alex Reinhart, Joshua Salomon SC-COSMO, PPML, Health Policy Data Science Lab, StanfordHealthPolicy
Internationally, many studies have estimated quality of life for cardiovascular diseases since 2013. Unexplained heterogeneity raised methodological questions about choosing values for a UK context. HealthEcon_MCR #healtheconomics #qualityoflife
Context matters. Stakeholders consider differences in patient casemix, quality of baseline care and research context to inform elicited adjustment of published interventions effects in a local setting Jon Karnon Vaughn Eaton Southern Adelaide Local Health Network FlindersHMRI
What happens when people face a new risk? This paper tracks how risk perceptions of COVID-19 changed over the first 18 months of the pandemic. Karen Sepucha MGH Health Decision Sciences Center vavrek David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Aaron Rudkin @ucla @mgh
Conditional question wording can produce overestimates of the relationship between perceived risk and intended prevention behavior. Cause for concern? Jeremy Strueder Jane Elizabeth Miller Paul Windschitl
Smoking history is a significant risk factor for #LungCancer, but what about never-smokers? This new study by @georgiabblack & colleagues sheds light on how clinicians make diagnostic decisions for this patient group Lungs for Living Mat Callister Samantha Quaife
What are the costs and resource utilization associated with 3 approaches recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics to identify early onset sepsis in infants >=35 wks gestational age? Grace Guan Neha Joshi, MD MS Rebecca Dang Joshua Salomon Doug Owens