Marissa Calderón Jiménez 🌮(De Aquí y De Allá) (@mcsalma) 's Twitter Profile
Marissa Calderón Jiménez 🌮(De Aquí y De Allá)


Mexican/Xicana Advocate for Children & At-Hope Comunidades / @AZFTF 2018 Champion for Children, Early Learning Pro, #Feminist, #SocialJustice

ID: 31447743

link calendar_today15-04-2009 16:30:24

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JUANES (@juanes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hoy me tome un café de olla, desayuné chilaquiles, escuché mariachis en la calle, me comí unos tacos 🌮 y brindé con mezcal. Adivinen dónde estoy sin decirles dónde estoy ?

MRCAParks (@mrcaparks) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't you wish you could find all of Malibu's "secret" public beaches? We do too! But when we do install public signage, the City of Malibu removes it!

Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD (@arghavan_salles) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Seemingly “natural” homogeneous gatherings like this are a result of the systematic exclusion of marginalized people and further perpetuate the marginalization. Here are my favorite tweets pointing out this absurdity.

Seemingly “natural” homogeneous gatherings like this are a result of the  systematic exclusion of marginalized people and further perpetuate the marginalization.

Here are my favorite tweets pointing out this absurdity.
Rep. Analise Ortiz (@repanaliseortiz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tom Horne's racist and xenophobic attacks on bilingual education have no place in Arizona. This decision is a relief for so many students, families, and educators.…

anthony christian ocampo 🇵🇭🏳️‍🌈 (@anthonyocampo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just saw OPPENHEIMER, an in-depth character exploration of the people who built the atomic bomb, a weapon of mass destruction that killed a quarter million Japanese civilians. Film is 3 hours long and features zero Japanese people.

Arlyssa D. Becenti (@abecenti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All this talk about Oppenheimer but nothing about the sacrifice during this era. These are just a few articles I’ve done on uranium on Navajo this year. Haven’t written anything as of late because it’s an ongoing issue that is never ending…

Mexican American Civil Rights Institute (MACRI) (@somosmacri) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This thread highlights two significant issues: 1) the normalization of the absence/invisibility/erasure of Latinos in major news sources & 2) the many Latino stories that should be on big (& small) screens.

Marissa Calderón Jiménez 🌮(De Aquí y De Allá) (@mcsalma) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My parents eating schedule in Mexico is whaco. They do breakfast at 8AM, and dinner at 2PM, and that’s it. We did this eating schedule in Mexico growing up but we always had a little something in the evening. My folks don’t do late dinner and I’m starving at 5 lol

Anke Koning (@ankekoning) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NPR Vice President Kamala Harris Prof Allen would have benefitted from a Course in Economics: There is no Free Lunch. Allen's contribution to Florida's Uncle Tom Curriculum is worth what Allen was paid: NOTHING. Bottom Line: Skills were learned despite Slavery…

Mark Hamill (@markhamill) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TOMORROW is #August1stTweetOutDay. Join me, Sgt Pepper & the WHOLE WORLD in NOT tweeting for 24 hrs. I won't dignify accusations that this is a political statement when it is, in fact, simply an experimental STUNT because I'm bored & wanna see what happens. #TweetlessTuesday

TOMORROW is #August1stTweetOutDay. Join me, <a href="/MzSgtPepper/">Sgt Pepper</a> &amp; the WHOLE WORLD in NOT tweeting for 24 hrs. I won't dignify accusations that this is a political statement when it is, in fact, simply an experimental STUNT because I'm bored &amp; wanna see what happens. #TweetlessTuesday
Marissa Calderón Jiménez 🌮(De Aquí y De Allá) (@mcsalma) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unacceptable. City of Mesa is displaying censorship and overreach. The art work had a theme of social and political causes. Just another example of how right when we are making progress, we take a giant step back. Disappointed in our leadership. City of Mesa, Arizona Mesa Arts Center

March For Our Lives ☮️🟧 (@amarch4ourlives) 's Twitter Profile Photo

TODAY: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill students were in an active shooter lockdown during the first week of classes. This is the reality of being a young person in America. THIS is America.