MCID Bern (@mcidbern) 's Twitter Profile


Multidisciplinary Center for Infectious Diseases: University of Bern strategic center
Mission: to study and mitigate risks from infectious diseases

ID: 1465790015456350221

link calendar_today30-11-2021 21:09:36

419 Tweet


221 Following

Johanna Hornung (@johannahornung) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#IWPP4 in #Guadalajara with amazing Mattia Casula - #happyfaces holding our books published in the IPPA series:… and…

#IWPP4 in #Guadalajara with amazing <a href="/MattiaCasula1/">Mattia Casula</a> - #happyfaces holding our books published in the <a href="/_IPPA_/">IPPA</a> series:… and…
MCID Bern (@mcidbern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Learn more about the MCID Bern BEready Cohort by listening to short interview (in Swiss German) and if you live in Canton Bern, do get involved!:

NCCR RNA & Disease (@nccr_rnadisease) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Preprint by the Karousis lab (Karousis Lab, DCBPunibern, Universität Bern) w/ 1st author Emilie Bäumlin "Uncoupling the functional roles of #Coronavirus #Nsp1"… bioRxiv #RNA #SARSCoV2

Swiss Biobanking Platform (@swissbiobanking) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🙌 Thumbs up! The #MCID Biopreparedness Biobank has recently been awarded the NORMA Label, demonstrating compliance with the #SBP requirements for the standardization of biobanking processes. More info: #biobanking #research #sbplabels Universität Bern

🙌 Thumbs up! The #MCID Biopreparedness Biobank has recently been awarded the NORMA Label, demonstrating compliance with the #SBP requirements for the standardization of biobanking processes.

More info:

#biobanking #research #sbplabels
<a href="/unibern/">Universität Bern</a>
KFPE for Research Partnerships (@kfpe_ch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Africa Regional call for proposals - The Belmont Forum 's Collaborative Research Actions promote international transdisciplinary research in the context of global environmental change. Deadline 2 Sept. EADI Swiss TPH Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) ETH for Development African Academy of Sciences…

CoRE Genomics for Health in Africa (@core_gha) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 The next CoRE Genomics for Health in Africa webinar takes place on🗓️09.09 12:00, with talks by Carlo Largiadèr (Insel Gruppe Universität Bern) and Dayna Croock (Stellenbosch University). Attendance is open to all: #genomics #anticancer #toxicity #tuberculosis #susceptibility Africa-Europe Clusters of Research Excellence

📢 The next <a href="/CoRE_GHA/">CoRE Genomics for Health in Africa</a> webinar takes place on🗓️09.09 12:00, with talks by Carlo Largiadèr (<a href="/inselgruppe/">Insel Gruppe</a> <a href="/unibern/">Universität Bern</a>) and Dayna Croock (<a href="/StellenboschUni/">Stellenbosch University</a>). Attendance is open to all:
#genomics #anticancer #toxicity #tuberculosis #susceptibility
<a href="/AfricaEuroCoRE/">Africa-Europe Clusters of Research Excellence</a>
Universität Bern (@unibern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

💡Thomas Sauter forscht zu innovativen Lösungen wie #KI, #AugmentedReality und virtuellen Avataren in der #Akutmedizin 💻🏥. Seine TCS-Stiftungsprofessur wird nun um zwei Jahre verlängert. Tom Sauter Insel Gruppe Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern eNotfallmedizin #ehealth

💡Thomas Sauter forscht zu innovativen Lösungen wie #KI, #AugmentedReality und virtuellen Avataren in der #Akutmedizin 💻🏥. Seine TCS-Stiftungsprofessur wird nun um zwei Jahre verlängert.

<a href="/Sauter_TC/">Tom Sauter</a> <a href="/inselgruppe/">Insel Gruppe</a> <a href="/MedFacultyUniBE/">Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern</a> <a href="/eNotfallmedizin/">eNotfallmedizin</a> #ehealth
MCID Bern (@mcidbern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great to see the BEready Cohort being presented at the Swiss Public Health Conference (Public Health Schweiz)! Find out more here & do get involved if you live in Canton Bern! EN: DE: FR: Universität Bern Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern

Universität Bern (@unibern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jean Claude Makangara kommt aus der DR Kongo (Kinshasa) und promoviert derzeit im Bereich Infektionskrankheiten, Virologie und Bioinformatik an der #unibern. Im Initiative Afrique #Podcast spricht er ĂĽber die kulturellen Herausforderungen: Jean Claude Makangara

Jean Claude Makangara kommt aus der DR Kongo (Kinshasa) und promoviert derzeit im Bereich Infektionskrankheiten, Virologie und Bioinformatik an der #unibern. Im Initiative Afrique #Podcast spricht er ĂĽber die kulturellen Herausforderungen:
<a href="/jcmakson/">Jean Claude Makangara</a>