McCasey Smith, MD MS
Residency Program Director at @KU_PMR. Co-Fellowship Director of @NASS ISMM Program. Associate Professor at the University of Kansas.
ID: 954392510201200645
http://www.kumc.edu/school-of-medicine/physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation.html 19-01-2018 16:38:00
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KU PM&R residents, faculty and program coordinator Assoc. of Academic Physiatrists (AAP) #Physiatry23 President’s Welcome Reception! Logan Leavitt, DO Keith Polston Vinny Francio, MD McCasey Smith, MD MS Sarah Eickmeyer

Great job University of Kansas MS3 Susan Li for her Podium presentation #Physiatry24 Assoc. of Academic Physiatrists (AAP) KU PM&R with mentor Dr. Neil Segal!

The first AAPM&R Resident Retreat for PGY2 is happening in Chicago now. More than 55 PGY2 are to learn PM&R basics and the role of physiatrists for health care system. They are enjoying networking with peers and leaders. Thanks to AAPM&R! UTSW O'Donnell Brain Institute UTSWPM&R AAPM&R News

Had a great first day at the AAPM&R News PGY2 Resident Workshop! Great opportunity for #education, #networking, and #mentorship. Looking forward to another great day!

Many thanks to AAPM&R News for providing an innovative program to PGY2 residents from around the country. This was an unforgettable experience, and I look forward to the next one! Special thanks to all the volunteers and my co-course directors - Dr. Deb Venesy and Dr. Aaron Yang