Claire McCarthy
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist @IrelandSouthWID. Interests: Maternal Med and 🤱, Labour Ward and Colposcopy.
ID: 57637058
17-07-2009 13:04:15
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There are significant maternal and neonatal considerations to take into account when managing caesarean births across hospital sites; we describe this in our Obstetric Medicine paper published today. MDT Collaboration and increased resources are key!

So many great #audits presented by Obs & Gynae #NCHD of Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate, Well done to the top 3 👏 UCC Medicine & Health PregnancyLossUCC National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre

Looking forward to seeing all the hard work of the Pilot PARTUMtrial team in print; privileged to have been part of such inspirational, dedicated group of people exploring what the future of thromboprohylaxis could look like!

Prof Aoibhlinn O’Toole Beaumont Hospital highlighting the importance of pre-conceptual counselling for IBD patients; as with many medical conditions it leads to less disease relapse, improved pregnancy outcomes and improved neonatal outcomes.

Dr Nicola Maher from The Rotunda Hospital and Irish Medicines in Pregnancy Service (IMPS) providing us with a whistle stop tour of migraine in pregnancy and the challenges of managing this common condition.

Excited to hear the MFM perspective on folic acid from Fionnuala McAuliffe NMH & UCD UCD Perinatal Research Centre and The National Maternity Hospital; A medication that is universally recommended in pregnancy. #MedsinPregnancy

Thanks Joan Devin for talking about the perspectives of a midwife in prescribing and the value of a specialist midwife like you are with Irish Medicines in Pregnancy Service (IMPS)! A great asset 👏

Prof Gabrielle Ní Challaráin demonstrating the safety of contrast CT and MRI in the breastfeeding mother. Excellent talk!

Our last talk at the Meds in Pregnancy and Lactation study day from GF from Mercy University Hospital Cork and Mater Private Network on cardiology medications in pregnancy and perspectives on the use of cardiac diagnostics in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A fantastic day at CUMH! Hybrid Grand rounds with colleafues across the region, followed by meetings with colleagues in fetal med, neonatology and pathology. Exciting plans to contribute to the fantastic MDT Keelin O'Donoghue PregnancyLossUCC Ireland South Women & Infants Directorate The National Maternity Hospital