Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile
Michael Cornfield


I teach and study politics @GSPMgwu. Express opinions and those embedded in my fact frames are, of course, my own.

ID: 2239749540

calendar_today10-12-2013 20:49:31

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Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

GW Today on a negotiations simulation I created and ran (with Mary Crannell) last week. The topic: climate change/energy. The venues: Mexico and the U.S. @Gspmgwu gwtoday.gwu.edu/learning-compl…

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I've been waiting for the first great speech that makes full use of YouTube. Zelensky gave it on May 8. h/t Mary Crannell @gspmgwu youtube.com/watch?v=74fLbq… Comparisons with the Gettysburg Address and Churchill's trilogy to Parliament in 1940 are premature but not outlandish.

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Bidens in Buffalo and other presidential eulogies. (Written before today's tragedy in Uvalde TX.) GSPMgwu linkedin.com/pulse/when-wor…

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A presidential eulogy in Uvalde seems obligatory. What would be good is pairing that with an announcement of a summit with executives of the consumer weapons industry and members of Congress. @gspmgwu

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid and comfort thereto….

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” —US Code.

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Joe Biden channeled Harry Truman in his 2023 State of the Union Address. "I don't give them hell. I tell the truth about them and they think it's hell." GSPMgwu @CPSGWU Harry S Biden linkedin.com/pulse/harry-bi…

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nikki Haley debuts as a presidential candidacy: long on style, short on substance, with a tint of bigotry. linkedin.com/pulse/american… via LinkedIn

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Appalling service from #ual on Jun 17 Denver-Dulles. Plane 1/3 empty yet my wife denied a salad fork three times., had to throw out her bowl. What gives?

Michael Cornfield (@mbcornfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Appalling service by United Airlines flight attendants Jun 17 Denver-Dulles. Plane 1/3 empty but they denied my wife’s request for a fork. She had to throw out her salad bowl. What gives?