ID: 1751273389
calendar_today07-09-2013 15:14:11
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2 years ago
campin in montucky
i miss japan
some days are just better spent on the couch
golf sim trees have no business absolutely stuffing every one of my shots
in better news i hit a 105 today
In and out animal style It destroy my innards
The hi ace needs a road trip
a year ago
if she’s got a g>^v tattoo i’m running
i just wanted to show off my car
bro thinks he’s jake paul’s dog
is this a parking spot
my uber just pulled up at 10am bumping pony. u know the vibes
6 months ago
i can’t stop #shittingmypants
is being yassified a requirement to be a male flight attendant
i think #shitmypantsagain
6” is enough right
5 months ago
i actually got really close to #shittingmypants today