Matt Taberner
Embracing the ‘chaos’ of elite sport • Visiting Research Fellow @LJMU • HPSA @BASESUK • CSci @science_council • CSCS, RSCC*D @NSCA
ID: 1319869268
http://linkedin.com/in/matt-taberner-a8a45b34 01-04-2013 07:49:30
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🆕 clinical commentary JOSPT Community 🏀 Progressing on-court rehabilitation after injury: the control-chaos continuum adapted to basketball 🚨👉🏻 jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jo…

From control to chaos 👁️🧠🔜 🤝🏻 Meredith Chaput, PhD, DPT, SCS Dustin Grooms Janet Simon 🚨JOSPT Community

Matt Taberner up on stage WCSPT talking about elite player rehab and #ReturnToSport Highlighting more clinical pearls published in JOSPT Community ➡️ jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jo… #yourJOSPT

Ever wondered why people with pain and injury might struggle to improve their muscle strength or capacity despite exercise rehabilitation? We go into some of the neurophysiological reasons in our new BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine viewpoint 💪🏻 bmjopensem.bmj.com/content/bmjose…

4️⃣ years on after 🗣️ Meredith Chaput, PhD, DPT, SCS & Dustin Grooms ➡️ a conceptual framework for visual-cognitive progression after ACL-R‼️ 🚨Visual-Cognitive Control-Chaos Continuum JOSPT Community jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jo… 🚨Injury results in deficits beyond physical performance in isolation 👀🧠

Our latest FREE paper. Training with reduced carbohydrate availability affects markers of bone turnover in male academy football players. Congrats to Reuben Stables and collaborators on another paper from his PhD Liverpool John Moores University LJMU Sport Science Premier League The FA link.springer.com/article/10.100…