Matthias J. F. (@matthionine2) 's Twitter Profile
Matthias J. F.


Doctoral student at Stockholm University.

ID: 1411771690820964352

calendar_today04-07-2021 19:40:35

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PNASNews (@pnasnews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Triantha occidentalis, a previously unrecognized carnivorous plant, is a perennial herb native to the Pacific coast of North America, and has flowering stems with sticky glandular hairs that trap insects. In PNAS:

Triantha occidentalis, a previously unrecognized carnivorous plant, is a perennial herb native to the Pacific coast of North America, and has flowering stems with sticky glandular hairs that trap insects. In PNAS:
Kristina Jonas (@krijonas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delighted to see out paper on Lon proteolysis published eLife - the journal!!! Big congrats to first authors Deike Omnus and Matthias Fink! Thanks to Review Commons, once again, for a pleasant and smooth peer-review process and to the reviewers for helpful comments.…

Kristina Jonas (@krijonas) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Super excited to share our latest preprint! We identified and characterized a novel regulator of the Lon protease. This protein, LarA, boosts Lon activity at the onset of proteotoxic stress when the cellular proteolysis demand is high. bioRxiv…

Super excited to share our latest preprint! We identified and characterized a novel regulator of the Lon protease. This protein, LarA, boosts Lon activity at the onset of proteotoxic stress when the cellular proteolysis demand is high. <a href="/biorxivpreprint/">bioRxiv</a>…