$matiwinnetou | C₳rdano F₳ns (CRF₳)
Cardano Pool Ticker: CRFA
Medium: cardano-fans.medium.com
Github: github.com/Cardano-Fans
ID: 2582379505
https://cardano.fans 22-06-2014 14:54:43
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🤭 Sold my first painting by auction using NMKR at Rare Evo: A Blockchain Event 24 ✨ #OldYellen pictures Charles Hoskinson holding a #BuyADA sign during Secretary Janet Yellen's Congressional testimony as Fed Reserve Chair. Thanks to Awen for helping with the auction and to J₳son Owen for homing

Race is on indeed. What I am wondering big time: - will dApps use UPLC converter or rather Zk Symbolic - will dApps be able to use Sky Protocol - Data Availability L2 on Cardano or they have to go for Celestia or Avail (going for the last 2 has pros and cons actually) - finally who will be the first zk

Hello Optim team , since the ADA-OADA stable pool is only available in Splash, it wouldn't be better having in the Minswap's stable pool module as well? Because right now Splash is a single critical point of failure DeFi Optimist 🔄 Optim Finance zygomeb Minswap Labs PurritoGeneral 🫡