ID: 4926928720
18-02-2016 07:15:41
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During Grace Mugabe’s stupid baby-dumping rallies, Hamandishe once took to the podium to reprimand youths who wanted to listen to Mhofu Soul Jah Love. Kubva ipapo, Hamandishe nemunyama hazvina kusiyana. Things went downhill. Good evening Chirandu Saviour Kasukuwere

The telecommunications oligopoly is getting fixed. President President of Zimbabwe set the cat among the telecommunications pigeons who were getting fat, inefficient and lazy by approving Starlink in Zimbabwe. What’s left is the banking sector. They need a fire lit under them.

Britain: Crime prevention minister ‘has purse stolen’ at annual policing conference. She had just given a speech on Tuesday warning of an “epidemic of antisocial behaviour, theft and shoplifting”. Why is there so much thieving in the UK King Jay🇿🇼 ? independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi…