Matej Oresic
Prof Medicine (#systemsmedicine) @orebrouni & #Biochemistry (#metabolomics) @UniTurku. #Biophysics PhD (@Cornell). Coord @INITIALISE_EU & @EDC_MASLD #exposome
ID: 25972443
https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=9044ZHIAAAAJ 23-03-2009 08:25:11
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if you're not watching the olympic opening ceremony the main torchbearer is a masked vigilante wearing keens and les miserables-style revolutionary rags who entered on a boat to the phantom of the opera theme and is now doing parkour around paris to techno. extremely french

Thank you all who came for making #NMetC2024 a great success! Thank you to all sponsors, organising and scientific committees. Matej Oresic Kati Hanhineva. Thank you also to all speakers!