ID: 634893103
calendar_today13-07-2012 21:43:33
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5 hours ago
🔥The 9th Round of Easy Loan, Earn $40 Reward is in progress❗️ ⏰ Promotion Period: January 15th - Feburary 15th, 2025 👉 Register now and check more details at gate.io/campaigns/358
12 years ago
The hardest thing about exercise is to start doing it. Once you are doing exercise regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it. -Erin Gray
Sometimes u just need to change ur perspective
الحنكة اصعب حاجة الناس ممكن تعملها
Make sure ur actions don't contradict ur desires
في حاجة ناقصة !
لو بعيونك مش شايف شو عامل فيّ ، راح أعطيك عيوني تجرب تشوف بعينيّ (:
We live in the era of smart phones and stupid people
الامواج الهادئة لا تصنع بحارة جيدين السماء الصافية لا تصنع طيارين ملهرين و الحياه بدون صعوبات لا تصنع الاقوياء
هناك من يتذمر لأن للورد شوكاً و هناك من يتفائل لان فوق الشوك وردة 🌹
A balanced life requires work, rest, worship and play. If u r missing any part of it, u r not likely to be happy.
اسعد واحدة 😊
Some believe that #Scorpios take life too seriously
Learn how to be happy with what u have
successful ppl know the difference between patience and procrastination !
11 years ago
احنا في زمن مستحرمين الصح فيه
من قدام وش بشوش و من ورا سكاكين
The #Scorpio have an air of mystery surrounding them. You wont know what they are thinking unless they trust you.
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