Martha Marx
Nurse of 30+ years, Candidate for CT's 20th District State Senate. Paid for by Marx for CT. Dianna Kulmacz, Treasurer. Approved by Martha Marx.
ID: 1027139655161065472
http://www.marthamarx.com 08-08-2018 10:29:11
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Thank you Waterford Democrats and Rep. Joe Courtney!

Ned & Nancy at New London, CT Washington street coffee house New London Democrats Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman

Great to see you Ned Lamont!

Members like #VNASC #union VP Martha Marx running in #Election2018 on "labor is your neighbor” message to flip #CTGeneralAssembly districts currently held by politicians hostile to #WorkingFamilies: bit.ly/2PEJE1T #AFTVotes AFT Healthcare

This morning activists in #LMWorkedUnited, UCPEA & AFSCME Council 4 joined Rep Joe Courtney in #EastLymeCT to support our own #VNASC #union VP Martha Marx & deliver "labor is your neighbor" message to voters on #Election2018 Day. #AFTVotes AFT Healthcare AFT Higher Ed

It's not about a red wave or a blue wave, it's about a #union wave that we hope gets AFSCME Council 4 member Tony Gennaro & AFT Connecticut member Martha Marx elected to legislature to protect our rights & freedoms. #C4Votes #AFTCTVotes #Election2018

Thank you, Mike Coleman!

I am so grateful to Connecticut for making Ned Lamont our next Governor. He’s going to work for every single one of us - whether you voted for him or not. He’ll be a breath of fresh air and I can’t wait to get down to work with him.