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National Institute of Health awards Marquette University and Medical College of Wisconsin $3.2 million R01 grant bit.ly/3RwG5bU via Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin

Local Marquette student is saving lives as an EMT — from Milwaukee to Israel bit.ly/3RRb6Zf via WI Jewish Chronicle

“When we come back to the southern border and illegal crossings there, big majorities favor increased enforcement there,” said Charles Franklin, director of @mulawpoll bit.ly/3tl3B3A via Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin

.Marquette Law School Lubar Center research fellow John D. Johnson outlines legal issues in a lawsuit challenging Wisconsin's legislative district maps and the wider political battle over gerrymandering bit.ly/479Ts7D via PBS Wisconsin

Dr. James South, professor of philosophy, has said when he'd mention the show to colleagues at various conferences, “we would just start talking about Buffy instead of philosophy, until we realized that we were doing both at the same time.” bit.ly/3Rw9FOx via FIRST for Women Magazine

Some online sellers have adopted “just keep it” policies for unwanted products when return costs exceed their value, said Dr. Alex Milovic, associate professor of practice of marketing bit.ly/41AyNbO via Journal Sentinel

“These are tremendous opportunities for us to engage with students right here in our local community, to connect them with the opportunities at Marquette,” said Brian Troyer, dean of undergraduate admissions bit.ly/4axdCeI via WISN 12 NEWS

Marquette students envision apartments, condos, hotel for Johnson Controls block in downtown Milwaukee bit.ly/487xPWO via Milwaukee Business Journal

A report by the BLEST Hub at Marquette University found college prep programs in Milwaukee, which has the largest Black population in the state, have shown improvement in growing academic achievement for Hispanic children, but not Black students bit.ly/3NBj6Lw via @wpr

John Johnson, research fellow at Marquette Law School Lubar Center, pointed out that there has been a bill pertaining to the redistricting process proposed in each of the last three legislative biennia bit.ly/48rFQWb via Journal Sentinel

Dr. Julia Azari, professor of Marquette University Political Science Department, discussed how far would Trump go in a second term abcn.ws/47b9gHg via 538 politics