Mark Mullins
Emory Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
I am not speaking for anyone else with my Tweets...just me.
ID: 3233533547
http://www.radiology.emory.edu/faculty/mullins-mark.html 04-05-2015 14:33:41
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766 Following

The Role of Culture in the Teaching Environment: how does it impact the wellbeing of our medical educators? Referencing the most recent work from the AURWellBeing committee describing “the Big Squeeze”🍋 @AURtweet Academic Radiology #AUR24 David Sarkany, MD

So grateful for being part of this AMAZING family Emory Radiology @AURtweet Joshua Brown, MD PhD #AUR24 #radres

#ASHNRCOTW #247: ANSWER. Thx Karen Moeller 4 case! #ASHNR24 Caroline Robson, MBChB Deborah Shatzkes C Douglas Phillips 🇺🇸 Nicholas Koontz Richard Wiggins Kalen Riley Christine M Glastonbury, MD Courtney Tomblinson, MD Tabby A. Kennedy, MD Philip R. Chapman, MD Cynthia Xin Wu Mohit Agarwal Ashok Srinivasan Rupa Radhakrishnan William T. O'Brien, DO 🧠🩻 Kristine Mosier Katie S. Traylor MS, DO, DABR

Love the pic of Dillon Daniels and Mark Mullins —2 former D1 football players 🏈

Wow… Amy Juliano - I have learned more in these 30 min than in all of residency 🙈- thank you!

#ASHNRCOTW #250: Neck Mass. Thx Dr. Meltzer 4 case! #ASHNR24 Answer w/ appropriate GIF only -- stay professional & don't spoil it! Caroline Robson, MBChB Deborah Shatzkes C Douglas Phillips 🇺🇸 Richard Wiggins Nicholas Koontz Kalen Riley Christine M Glastonbury, MD Courtney Tomblinson, MD Tabby A. Kennedy, MD Philip R. Chapman, MD Mohit Agarwal

Excited to offer 2 post-doc positions at #MayoClinicFlorida Radiology! Particularly seeking candidates with expertise in ultra-high field MRI, radiochemistry, AI, or quantitative & functional neuroimaging. More details and application below! Mayo Clinic jobs.mayoclinic.org/job/jacksonvil…

Just 1 day left to join the final webinar in the Skull Base series by Lalani Carlton Jones REGISTER: bit.ly/TCCWebinarApri…

Not sure who that handsome model is, but the new American Society of Functional Neuroradiology logo is great! Attend the ASFNR programming sessions to be one of the first to see the new logo and to get a free t-shirt!

Join Dr. Mark Mullins at 8:25 am in Augustus II for his presentation on Emergent Intracranial Infection Cases. His presentation is part of the Education Committee session: Pick up the Phone: Brain Cases with Urgent Findings. Mark Mullins

If you are at #ASNR24, check out Judy Gadde, DO, MBA presentation on "Non-Traumatic Pediatric Spinal Emergencies" tomorrow, Tues 5/21, in the 3:25-4:25pm American Society of Emergency Radiology | ASER session in the Augustus II room. #NeuroRad #PediNeuroRad The American Society of Neuroradiology ASPNR Lurie Children’s Radiology