Marius Momeu
Systems security researcher @TU_Muenchen.
ID: 1067074097933361152
http://sec.in.tum.de/i20/people/momeu-marius 26-11-2018 15:14:25
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Check out our talk on how to build "Fast, Specialized #Unikernels the Easy Way" presented by Felipe Huici from NEC at Association for Computing Machinery EuroSys 2023 youtube.com/watch?v=m0fj4r…

Tune in if you're interested in our work on protecting against data-only attacks using HW-assisted virtualization. #xMP: cs.brown.edu/~vpk/papers/xm… (IEEE S&P #SP20) -- Cc: Sergej Proskurin Marius Momeu Seyedhamed Ghavamnia michalis

Windows Kernel Exploitation Tutorial Part 1: Setup rootkits.xyz/blog/2017/06/k… Part 2: Stack Overflow rootkits.xyz/blog/2017/08/k… Part 3: Memory Overwrite rootkits.xyz/blog/2017/09/k… Part 4: Pool Overflow rootkits.xyz/blog/2017/11/k… Part 5: NULL Pointer Dereference rootkits.xyz/blog/2018/01/k…

Sergej Schumilo and I just published the code of our snapshot based hypervisor fuzzer Nyx github.com/RUB-SysSec/Nyx. Paper and talk: usenix.org/conference/use…. Stay tuned for a much more polished version at nyx-fuzz.com

📢Marius Momeu at AsiaCCS presenting our work on hardening SLAB-based (kernel) allocators, against memory errors, via SMAP-assisted isolation -- joint work with TU München, Sergej Proskurin, and michalis | cs.brown.edu/~vpk/papers/is… | #brownssl #islab