Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile
Marina Yozora


dream pop singer-songwriter & a tck who grew up in; tokyo, houston, ho chi minh. 🎸…𝟭𝟬/𝟱 𝗧𝗼𝗸𝘆𝗼 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁𝘀↓, 𝟭𝟬/𝟲 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼

ID: 1752378199697420288

link calendar_today30-01-2024 17:08:32

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22 Following

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

52 tickets sold so far! まだの方はぜひ!お見せするのが楽しみです!❤️ Thank you for all the love, can’t wait to show what I’ve prepared ❤️ Link in bio if not yet! My very 1st headline show in the world, here in Tokyo ☺︎✨🫧 世界で一番最初の、Marina Yozoraのワンマンライブ。

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As described. Oct.5th headline show is SOLD OUT, Oct.6th mini solo performance is on sale! 土曜日のワンマンは売り切れ、日曜日のミニソロライブはまだ残席あり。 ソロライブでも、ワンマンと同じ映像をライブ中に流します。元映画館という場所だけあって、大きな古風スクリーンに映しますよ✨

As described. Oct.5th headline show is SOLD OUT, Oct.6th mini solo performance is on sale! 

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today. Marina Yozora Tokyo Finale Live Show Project 2024. 19:30 open, 20:30 start. 📍 POLARIS (sold out. thank you for all the love. x) Tomorrow: Solo shoegaze -Drifting with Marina Yozora- 19:30 start. 📍motoeigakan Tickets:…


Marina Yozora Tokyo Finale Live Show Project 2024. 

19:30 open, 20:30 start. 📍 <a href="/POLARIStokyo1/">POLARIS</a> 
(sold out. thank you for all the love. x)

Solo shoegaze -Drifting with Marina Yozora-
19:30 start. 📍<a href="/motoeigakan/">motoeigakan</a> 

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

初ワンマンのYouTubeビデオ出ました!円陣組むところから最初の2曲まで。ぜひチェックしてみて!🎥✨ Video for Tokyo Finale show is out on YouTube! See our band huddling and playing Redirection (Intro) and Snow Heat. ✨

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This song is called “Redirection (Intro)”, produced by me. Catch the whole song on my YouTube🎥✨ これはRedirection (Intro) という私プロデュースの曲。YouTube にてフルバージョン公開!… そのうちレコーディングもします。Will be recorded very soon…

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Snow Heat というこの曲は、最初はアコギで作ったもの。アコギ、シューゲイザーのタイプの他に、ストリングスのバージョンも頭の中にあり、いつか3つリリースしたいものです。I have 3 versions I want to release with this song; acoustic, shoegaze, and orchestra ver.…

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Daffodils, unreleased by Marina Yozora. Now on YouTube: Official releases for all songs are coming next year, 2025.

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

London, Europe, hi ☺︎🤍✨ I will be here for 2 years. Preparing for 9 new releases next year, and also planning to perform in Europe. I have so much artworks that I cannot wait to show you. x

London, Europe, hi ☺︎🤍✨

I will be here for 2 years. 
Preparing for 9 new releases next year, and also planning to perform in Europe. 
I have so much artworks that I cannot wait to show you. x
Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is Tremble, another unreleased song. ☺︎✨ A song about the difficulty of knowing where you belong, when you’ve grown up in different places. 様々な国で育ってきているからこその大変さと、今は全部が自分の故郷だと言えるこの心境を曲に。✨…

Marina Yozora (@marinayozora) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Still figuring out, but finally got 1 news to share 🤍✨I will be on 3 radios in UK/US for 1-2 hours. Recorded 🔗 will be saved, so you can listen afterwards! Stay tuned. 現地についてからはベストな活動方法など模索していますが、やっと1つ朗報が。UK/USの3局のラジオに1-2時間出ます!

Still figuring out, but finally got 1 news to share 🤍✨I will be on 3 radios in UK/US for 1-2 hours. Recorded 🔗 will be saved, so you can listen afterwards! Stay tuned.