marina cullen (@marinacullen6) 's Twitter Profile
marina cullen


ID: 787283001340231680

calendar_today15-10-2016 13:24:29

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Prof. Roy K Philip (@roykphilip) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Breastfeeding reducing the frequency & severity of RSV Bronchiolitis & Pneumonia. Our systematic review from University Maternity Hospital Limerick & UL School of Medicine, published in BMJ Global Health.… @ULHospitals HSE Ireland EFCNI UL School of Medicine

Breastfeeding reducing the  frequency & severity of RSV Bronchiolitis & Pneumonia. Our systematic review from University Maternity Hospital Limerick & UL School of Medicine, published in BMJ Global Health.… 
@ULHospitals <a href="/HSELive/">HSE Ireland</a> <a href="/EFCNIwecare/">EFCNI</a> <a href="/MedicineAtUL/">UL School of Medicine</a>
Niamh Vickers (@missniamhyvix) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 GPs & General Practice Nurses in Dublin North City&County 📢Breastfeeding survey is open to hear your views… have your say- check your HSE email or Scan the QR Code below ⬇️ 🤱🏻🤱🤱🏾🤱🏻Denise McGuinness Kate Frazer UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems HSE Ireland

📢 GPs &amp; General Practice Nurses in Dublin North City&amp;County 📢Breastfeeding survey is open to hear your views… have your say- check your HSE email or Scan the QR Code below ⬇️ 🤱🏻🤱🤱🏾🤱🏻<a href="/denise_mcguin/">Denise McGuinness</a> <a href="/KateF224/">Kate Frazer</a> <a href="/ucdsnmhs/">UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems</a> <a href="/HSELive/">HSE Ireland</a>
EXPANDstudy (@expandstudy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Results from our 2022 survey showed that infant feeding is a common challenge for many parents and that more information and practical support is needed both on the neonatal unit and at home after discharge. #neotwitter #nicu

Results from our 2022 survey showed that infant feeding is a common challenge for many parents and that more information and practical support is needed both on the neonatal unit and at home after discharge. 

#neotwitter #nicu
Declan Devane (@decdevane) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌐🧒 Calling all young explorers and their parents around the globe! Join us in crafting a unique health research study tailor-made for & by kids. It's a golden opportunity to learn, have fun, and make a difference. To join, simply DM TheKidsTrial. 🌟 #KidsInResearch Pls RT 🙏

ALCIreland (@alcireland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Great to see this National Study on GP/GP practice Nurse and GP trainees knowledge, attitudes and practices of breastfeeding. We are really looking forward to hearing Niamh Vickers & Denise McGuinness present this study at our National conference in

Great to see this National Study on GP/GP practice Nurse and GP trainees knowledge, attitudes and practices of breastfeeding. 

We are really looking forward to hearing Niamh Vickers &amp; Denise McGuinness present this study at our National conference in
National Women & Infants Health Programme (@nwihp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

National Patient Safety Office National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre Deirdre Edgeworth Jennifer Donnelly The Rotunda Hospital Now we hear from Lisa Carroll Lactation Consultant and midwife from The Rotunda Hospital, about providing breastfeeding support to women who are separated from their babies due to being in critical care in the Mater Hospital. #QualityAndSafetyConf2023

<a href="/npsoIRL/">National Patient Safety Office</a> <a href="/NPEC_UCC/">National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre</a> <a href="/d_dedgeworth/">Deirdre Edgeworth</a> <a href="/drjendonnelly/">Jennifer Donnelly</a> <a href="/RotundaHospital/">The Rotunda Hospital</a> Now we hear from Lisa Carroll Lactation Consultant and midwife from <a href="/RotundaHospital/">The Rotunda Hospital</a>, about providing breastfeeding support to women who are separated from their babies due to being in critical care in the Mater Hospital. #QualityAndSafetyConf2023
Daniela Drandić (@danieladrandic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is one of the most interesting e-learning projects I have ever been involved in (and I've been involved in many!) - if you're involved in midwifery education in any way, sign up to this free webinar:

Claire McCarthy (@mccarthyclaire7) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Organisation is underway for the #MedsInPregnancy and Lactation Study Day- taking place virtually on 6th Sept at 1pm. All involved in the care of🤰and 🤱women and interested in 💊 are welcome to attend. Register interest at:

Organisation is underway for the #MedsInPregnancy and Lactation Study Day- taking place virtually on 6th Sept at 1pm. All involved in the care of🤰and 🤱women and interested in 💊 are welcome to attend. Register interest at:
Niall Harbison (@niallharbison) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Was looking through my phone for Tina photos for the post and found some lovely old videos so made a little reel. A good reminder to spend the most precious thing you have... time

Bernard Gloster (@bernardgloster) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delighted today to meet our Midwives at their third conference #IDM2024 ONMSD National Women & Infants Health Programme opportunity to focus on their critical role in our health service HSE Ireland Stephen Donnelly Department of Health CNO's Office Then they gave me the pleasure of meeting five mams and their

Delighted today to meet our Midwives at their third conference #IDM2024 <a href="/NurMidONMSD/">ONMSD</a> <a href="/NWIHP/">National Women & Infants Health Programme</a> opportunity to focus on their critical role in our health service <a href="/HSELive/">HSE Ireland</a> <a href="/DonnellyStephen/">Stephen Donnelly</a> <a href="/roinnslainte/">Department of Health</a> <a href="/chiefnurseIRE/">CNO's Office</a> Then they gave me the pleasure of meeting five mams and their
Claire Fitzpatrick (@claireoloughlin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wonderful to see Shirley, Brid and Heather from La Leche League of Ireland today at National Women & Infants Health Programme National Conference supporting #IDM2024. Midwives and Breastfeeding Volunteer Leaders are so entwined. Neither could do what we do without the other to support new Mothers. Thank you for all you do.

Dan Wuori (@danwuori) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your baby may not be speaking quite yet. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t a skilled communicator. And the better we read their emotional cues the better we can become at meeting their needs. Take this little communicator, for example. We don’t know exactly what the

The Rotunda Hospital (@rotundahospital) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's Baby Communication Week! This year’s theme is ‘Understanding Babies. Affirming Parents. Nurturing Relationships.’ Over the course of the week, we will share resources you may find useful.

It's Baby Communication Week! This year’s theme is ‘Understanding Babies. Affirming Parents. Nurturing Relationships.’ Over the course of the week, we will share resources you may find useful.
The Rotunda Hospital (@rotundahospital) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Next week is National Breastfeeding Week! Come by for tea, cake and a chat. We will be offering information on booking your breastfeeding workshop, getting online and in-person resources and talking about getting breastfeeding off to a good start.

Next week is National Breastfeeding Week! Come by for tea, cake and a chat. We will be offering information on booking your breastfeeding workshop, getting online and in-person resources and talking about getting breastfeeding off to a good start.