Marc Haberland (@marchaberland) 's Twitter Profile
Marc Haberland


Berlin. Medien. Audio. Radio. Podcast. Streaming. Editor. Views are my own. „Don't Believe Everything You Think“

ID: 1422877194

calendar_today12-05-2013 11:25:07

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1,1K Following

Huberman Protocols (not Andrew Huberman) (@hubermanrules) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"If you're an adolescent, limiting your smartphone use to 60 minutes per day or less, and if you are an adult, to 2 hours per day or less is going to be among the very best ways to maintain... your ability to focus at whatever level you can now." - Andrew D. Huberman, Ph.D. Read that again

Startup Archive (@startuparchive_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Steve Jobs on leadership “The greatest people are self-managing. They don’t need to be managed. Once they know what to do, they’ll go figure out how to do it… What they need is a common vision, and that’s what leadership is. Leadership is having a vision, being able to

Joe Pompliano (@joepompliano) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Novak Djokovic's entire interview on 60 Minutes is excellent — but this clip of him talking about developing mental toughness is especially great. “Even though there is no physical contact in tennis, there’s still a lot of eye contact”

11FREUNDE_de (@11freunde_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dáire ist 12 Jahre alt, sitzt im Rollstuhl und hat einen besten Freund: den FC Liverpool. Und wenn ihr an Weihnachten nur einen Moment Zeit habt, dann schaut euch an, wie er, Jürgen Klopp und die gesamte Mannschaft den Tag miteinander verbringen.…

Micky Beisenherz 🍌 (@mickybeisenherz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wer heute auf die stumpfe AfD-Rechtstaatlichkeitssimulation „kriminelle Migranten abschieben“ reinfällt, darf morgen damit rechnen, dass auch seine Freunde und Freundinnen wegen „undeutscher Umtriebe“ abgeholt und deportiert werden. Da darf man sich nichts vormachen.

Marc Haberland (@marchaberland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Familienvater. Ehemann. Unternehmer. Macher. Das ist eine Tragödie und großer Verlust für Berlin. Mein Beileid der Familie, seinen Freunden, dem Verein.

Adam Grant (@adammgrant) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The best way to gauge the quality of someone’s ideas isn’t to listen to them talking. It’s to read their writing. Compelling speakers can mask weak logic with strong charisma. Putting key points on a page exposes flawed reasoning. Compelling writing requires clear thinking.

Adam Grant (@adammgrant) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You don’t have to build confidence before taking action. You build confidence by taking action. Standing still breeds rumination and seeds self-doubt. Motion fuels progress and elevates efficacy. Never let doubts about your ability undermine your faith in your ability to learn.

Adam Grant (@adammgrant) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Few arguments are resolved by landing on the same page. Most are reconciled by recognizing that reasonable people can hold different views. The highest goal of disagreement is not to determine who's right. It's to maintain mutual respect and gain mutual understanding.

Adam Grant (@adammgrant) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The hallmark of an open mind is refusing to let your ideas become your identity. If you define yourself by your opinions, questioning them is a threat to your integrity. If you see yourself as a curious person or a lifelong learner, changing your mind is a moment of growth.

Variety (@variety) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jamie Lee Curtis defends Kate Middleton amid her public absence. “Can we please just STOP with this bullsh*t conspiracy theory? This is a human being with young children, and clearly some sort of a health issue. That is a private matter. Do we not have better things to do and

Jamie Lee Curtis defends Kate Middleton amid her public absence.

“Can we please just STOP with this bullsh*t conspiracy theory? This is a human being with young children, and clearly some sort of a health issue. That is a private matter. Do we not have better things to do and
Erik Flügge (@erik_fluegge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Gegen einen chronisch lügenden Populisten wie Trump hilft keine sachliche Argumentationsstrategie. Im Kampf gegen derartige Populisten hilft nur, kommunikativen Raum klein zu machen. Genau darin könnte nun das Momentum der Demokraten liegen. Ein 🧵1/9