Marcel van der Watt
Research Institute at @ncose | Former Hawks Sex Trafficking Investigator & Hostage Negotiator | #EndDemand #ListentoSurvivors 🇺🇸 🇿🇦
ID: 1004604413166661633
https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcelvanderwatt 07-06-2018 06:02:11
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New and improved! #PassKOSA Thank you Chuck Schumer.🩵💙🔥

Reducing the DEMAND for commercisal sex is the ONLY way to shrink #sextrafficknig markets...Please join us on 2/29. Register by clicking the invite image. Andrea Heinz CATW International Demand Abolition National Center on Sexual Exploitation

South Africa - please take note. Full decrim will be the nudge for another wave of intergenerational trauma. Decriminalizing Sex Buyers, Brothel Keepers, and Pimps is antithetical to a commitment to fighting GBV John Jeffery South Africa CGE SALE!SA NFN

Join us for this IMP conversation on Thurs at National Center on Sexual Exploitation with Marcel van der Watt - successful anti-demand efforts are 🔑 to ending sex #trafficking👇🏽

#EarnItAct sponsored by Senator Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham is coming to Senate floor tonight! Survivors of sexual exploitation support it and so does National Center on Sexual Exploitation. Congress never intended child pornography to be rampant online! Delete #CSAM (child sexual abuse material)

Honestly ecstatic that Chuck Schumer listened to survivor parents and advocates -- bringing to Senate floor Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) soon. Please take 2 minute action to alert YOUR SENATORS that #BigTech needs to protect kids. #PassKOSA advocacy.charityengine.net/Default.aspx?i…

'It is futile to try to distinguish between men’s demand for victims of sex trafficking from men’s demand for commercial sex acts.' Marcel van der Watt of @ncose on the importance of holding sex-buyers to account. Give sex-buyers the attention they deserve thehill.com/opinion/crimin…

“We HAVE to hold #BigTech accountable and #PassKOSA” says Rep. Brandon Guffey who lost his son to suicide when online predators targeted and extorted him. #PREVENTABLE DEATH. National Center on Sexual Exploitation American Psychological Association Steve Scalise Steve Scalise