ID: 714075506694623232
calendar_today27-03-2016 13:04:02
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5 hours ago
🔥The 9th Round of Easy Loan, Earn $40 Reward is in progress❗️ ⏰ Promotion Period: January 15th - Feburary 15th, 2025 👉 Register now and check more details at gate.io/campaigns/358
9 years ago
Giving recognition to one of our head cashiers. Kudos Maria!
Look who's visiting my tent!
Pizza party...!!!
Amazing job girl! Awesome fencing lead!
Getting ready my display for the DIH workshop
Kudos Robin for your great job driving refacing leads.
Recognizing the amazing job this girl does at the customer service desk! Huge sale for roofing lead. Way to go!!!
This women is being an inspiration for all the cashiers by driving credit cards from left to right! Thank you Maria.
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo, Home Depot style
8 years ago
Recognizing my "coal miner" today... for his hard work and dedication to D21/22. I can't thank you enough for all you do! Kudos Elliot!
6328 giving back to the community! This time "Back to School" event at Meadow Woods Park... Come join us!!!
Homer rocking the house!
Homer is on fire!