Manuel Rivera Maza
Interventional Cardiologist via @WashUCardiology | Alum: @UMiamiMedicine @JacksonHealth
ID: 977033725677629440
23-03-2018 04:06:07
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In this #ACCEL Lite interview, Drs. Alison L. Bailey, MD, Pradeep Natarajan, Steven E. Nissen and Manuel Rivera Maza discuss "When Is Genetic Testing Helpful?" Listen to the full episode to learn more: bit.ly/3tZ4MSy #cvGenetics

An incredible talk from Dr Collet Carlos Collet MD PhD today! A great overview and discussion on the integration of Coronary CT in the planning and execution of PCI. If you missed it, you can watch it on our YouTube channel: youtu.be/ZuPpt071GsM

📢 Cardiovascular MRI - EACVI guidelines now fully available in French🇫🇷!! #FrancophoneCommunity🇧🇪🇨🇦🇨🇭🇲🇦🇹🇳🇩🇿🇱🇧 Team work with Jerome Garot and Bernhard Gerber ! 🤙 🧲PDF available here : lnkd.in/eEtR7sPt European Society of Cardiology EACVI President #HIT #EACVI

Maybe this would have been controversial a decade ago... 👉 challenge now is how to deliver effective training for all #FIT and at what level Heart_SCCT American College of Cardiology Sadeer Al-Kindi, MD Dr Andrew D. Choi Dr. Todd C. Villines Dr. Purvi Parwani Eric Williamson John P Erwin III MD MBA FACC

#Mitraclip using #4D #ICE. MR reduction from severe to trace. Multimodality imaging, multidisciplinary team approach…G. Burkhard Mackensen Stephen Little, MD American Society of Echocardiography @wustlcardfellow @sumanthprabhu01 RTHahnMD Alan Zajarias Spencer J Melby Ashley Duckett Mitzie Goddard Roberts

We are so fortune to be able to learn from the always thoughtful and articulate Karen Joynt Maddox, Washington University Cardiovascular Division faculty extraordinaire. This week being interviewed by Freakonomics, M.D. on U.S. News & World Report hospital rankings…moving the conversation forward on measurement podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fre…

First randomized trial in the valve-in-valve #TAVR: improved hemodynamic results with self-expanding supra-annular valves compared to balloon-expandable valves. bit.ly/3a0rhzX #JACC #CardioTwitter #vhdAS IUCPQ-ULaval

1/ REVIVED BCIS2 vs. STICH. In STICH(es), CABG had a mortality benefit over MT. No such benefit of PCI vs. MT in REVIVED BCIS2. Does that mean CABG is superior to PCI in ischemic cardiomyopathy?Gregg W. Stone MD Dr. Jeffrey W. Moses Sunil V. Rao Dr Shariq Shamim Evandro Martins F. MD David J. Cohen, MD, MSc @ajaykirtane

Choosing the right tool. iFR, FFR and IVUS in the Intermediate LM stenosis: The iLITRO-EPIC07 Study. Presented @CRF #TCT2022 #TCTConference ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.11… #AHAJournals Oriol Rodriguez Ramón López Palop Eduard Fdz-Nofrerias Chechu Jiménez Mazuecos @josep98564779 Salvatore Brugaletta

Neeraj Shah ROTAMONSTER Sagar Reddy, MD Evandro Martins F. MD Dr Shariq Shamim Alex Truesdell Antonious Attallah, MD, FACC, FSCAI 1/There are two types of nodules with two possible behaviors. Types of nodules 1) Eruptive (like glass shards sticking out of a pillow) 2) Non-eruptive protruding (like a bowling ball protruding out of a pillow)

New evidence on coronary revascularization in TAVI setting from the REVASC-TAVI Registry: should we pospone PCI after TAVI? EuroIntervention eurointervention.pcronline.com/article/compar…

Have you ever wondered whether your patient with CAD and cardiomyopathy truly has ischemic cardiomyopathy, or whether the CAD is a “bystander”? You might be interested in our paper now out in Circulation Circulation #simultaneouspublication #AHA23 #cardiotwitter #WhyCMR