Manuela Garnica
◇ Physicist at @IMDEA_Nano ◇ Crafter ◇ Mama ◇ Ramón y Cajal fellow
ID: 1242763968583696384 25-03-2020 10:43:23
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Si formas parte de RSEF ¡ únete al Grupo E. "Mujeres en Física" RSEF ! 👉Para aumentar la presencia de mujeres en física 👉Visibilizar los logros de estas 👉Defender la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades de las físicas Escribe a [email protected]. ¡Ayúdanos a igualar las cifras en física!
📢New opportunity to work at IFIMAC!!! Applications for three 3-year research positions for young scientists who wish to establish and lead an independent research group. #research Academic Positions Read more👇…
🆕 Si estás por la #BienalFisica2024 estos días (15 al 19 julio) y te apuntas al Grupo E. "Mujeres en Física" RSEF puedes quedarte con uno de estos regalitos tan chulos!! Estamos en el estand de la RSEF en la Escuela de Ingeniería UPV/EHU Os esperamos!! GEFES RSEF EstudiantesRSEF
Great dialogue "Women's leadership in physics" with Ursula Keller and #IreneAbrilCabezas at #BF2024. It's time to make changes and embrace diversity—everyone wins! Grupo E. "Mujeres en Física" RSEF RSEF
In our latest collaboration we explore the transparency properties of the 1H/1T-TaS2 vdW heterostructure 🪟 originated from a weak electronic coupling between the layers Full article on Nano Letters 📨… IMDEA Nanociencia 🔬 DIPC CFM Fyzikální ústav AV ČR
WE'RE HIRING! Postdoc position in scanning probe microscopy (#STM) to explore atomic-scale catalytic surfaces. Join us UPV/EHU in beautiful San Sebastián and help advance the understanding of electrode-electrolyte interfaces! #SurfaceScience #Electrocatalysis #ERCStG Kimika Fakultatea UPV/EHU
🚨Our ESISNA_icmm group seeks a highly motivated student to join the NanoSENS4env project, to investigate the interaction of emerging contaminants (ECs) with advanced nanomaterials. 📷4-year FPI scholarship designed to complete a #PhD thesis in computational simulation
🚨Our ESISNA_icmm group seeks a highly motivated student to join the NanoSENS4env project, to investigate the interaction of emerging contaminants (ECs) with advanced nanomaterials. 💶4-year FPI scholarship designed to complete a #PhD thesis in computational simulation