Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile
Mandy Nayton


Executive Officer at DSF Literacy and Clinical Services

ID: 1951018704

link calendar_today10-10-2013 06:47:42

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Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I included the wrong conference link in my email below 
 it should be 
 looking forward to seeing so many amazing speakers across three days 
 including Carl Hendrick 

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking forward to seeing so many like-minded educators, researchers, speech pathologists and psychologists at this unmissable conference. The opportunity to hear from so many fantastic international and national presenters will be the highlight of 2024!

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Likewise Saskia Kohnen (she/her/hers) 
. This conference will be an exceptional opportunity to hear from so many outstanding presenters, about where we are now in terms of our understanding of the research - and the associated implications for classroom practice.

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are all excited about seeing your new (from all accounts ‘amazing’) innovative online PA and phonics tool Reading Doctor 
. and just looking forward to catching up with you Bartek. Lots to talk about!

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I can just imagine how motivating an activity like this would be for students! Looking forward to seeing your workshop at the DSF Language Literacy and Learning Conference next week Dean Thompson .. there are still some places for those yet to register!

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Sarah Powell for your fantastic presentations at the LLL Conference in Perth. It was so valuable to hear about the interplay between language and maths. We are looking forward to working with you further in the coming months! Dyslexia-SPELD

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The LLL Conference has been, yet again, amazing! Three days of connections between research, practice + policy being made. Thank you to our extraordinary keynote speakers Kate Cain Prof Courtenay Norbury Jessie Ricketts Carl Hendrick Sarah Powell + Nicole Patton-Terry for inspiring us!

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A major theme of this year’s conference was ‘working together’. Our collective aim should be ensuring that ALL students are successful. Thank you to Nick Abraham from Warrang-Bridil for his inspiring Welcome to Country and to ⁊Tony Buti⁩ for his fabulous opening remarks

A major theme of this year’s conference was ‘working together’. Our collective aim should be ensuring that ALL students are successful. Thank you to Nick Abraham from Warrang-Bridil for his inspiring Welcome to Country and to ⁊<a href="/TonyButi_MLA/">Tony Buti</a>⁩ for his fabulous opening remarks
Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A shout out to the amazing team from WA Department of Education’s Statewide Services who both supported DSF through their sponsorship of the Conference and presented + shared resources across all three days. Incredible work! ⁊Lisa Rodgers⁩ ⁊Tony Buti⁩

A shout out to the amazing team from WA Department of Education’s Statewide Services who both supported DSF through their sponsorship of the Conference and presented + shared resources across all three days. Incredible work! ⁊<a href="/educationlisa/">Lisa Rodgers</a>⁩ ⁊<a href="/TonyButi_MLA/">Tony Buti</a>⁩
Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Huge accolades to two of the most amazing women I know - and have the good fortune to work with - Gemma Boyle, DSF’s Director of Professional Learning + Genevieve McArthur, DSF’s Director of Research Translation. It was their planning that got us there! ⁊⁊Dyslexia-SPELD⁩

Huge accolades to two of the most amazing women I know - and have the good fortune to work with - Gemma Boyle, DSF’s Director of Professional Learning + Genevieve McArthur, DSF’s Director of Research Translation. It was their planning that got us there! ⁊⁊<a href="/DyslexiaSPELD/">Dyslexia-SPELD</a>⁩
Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today’s final Conference X .. These six keynote speakers were outstanding and I can’t thank them enough for coming all this way. Massive thanks to ⁊Prof Courtenay Norbury⁩ ⁊Jessie Ricketts⁩ ⁊Kate Cain⁩ ⁊Carl Hendrick⁩ ⁊Sarah Powell⁩ and Nicole Patton-Terry

Today’s final Conference X .. These six keynote speakers were outstanding and I can’t thank them enough for coming all this way. Massive thanks to ⁊<a href="/lilacCourt/">Prof Courtenay Norbury</a>⁩ ⁊<a href="/ricketts_lara/">Jessie Ricketts</a>⁩ ⁊<a href="/KateCainLU/">Kate Cain</a>⁩ ⁊<a href="/C_Hendrick/">Carl Hendrick</a>⁩ ⁊<a href="/sarahpowellphd/">Sarah Powell</a>⁩ and Nicole Patton-Terry
Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Such a great night! Thank you @JennyBaker661 , freospeech and Curtin enAble Institute for getting us all together to listen, learn and explore possibilities with the wonderful Courtenay Norbury Prof Courtenay Norbury 

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DSF is currently on the lookout for a full or part-time Speech Pathologist, with a passion for language and literacy development, keen to join our fabulous clinical team. Applications need to be in by COB Monday 8 April 2024. Find out more at

DSF is currently on the lookout for a full or part-time Speech Pathologist, with a passion for language and literacy development, keen to join our fabulous clinical team. 

Applications need to be in by COB Monday 8 April 2024. Find out more at

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Always good to spend time discussing all things educational with you Tom Bennett OBE 
 great lunch, great company 
 not quite enough time to solve the problems of the world!

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m looking forward to the opportunity to both present and attend some informative and insightful sessions 
 at this fantastic event (in such a beautiful part of the world!) Sharing Best Practice Gippsland

Mandy Nayton (@mandynayton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The capacity to read accurately + fluently is fundamental to so much of what we do. For a student, not being able to read is akin to crashing into a brick wall every day, in every class. These changes will make a difference Ben Carroll Bridie Smith Pamela Snow Anne Castles