Maisam Haija-PANCREAS, MD, MS
Healthcare, committed to #gastrointestinal, pancreatic and CF diseases #pancreatitis #TPIAT, believe in #diversity, tweets are my own, not for medical advice
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Conrad R. Cole MD Appreciate the support!! It was a lot of fun to present and always appreciate everyone’s encouragement. #Pancreasfest24 was a HIT and would not be possible without Maisam Haija-PANCREAS, MD, MS and Cincinnati Children's Pancreas Care Center who did an exceptional job at hosting the best in the field in #Cincinnati!

The Role of #Pancreatitis Risk #Genes in #Endocrine Insufficiency Development After Acute Pancreatitis in #Children - ScienceDirect #proud of our #team Cincinnati Children's Division of Gastroenterology National Pancreas Foundation American Diabetes Association sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

🚨Check out our publication on the Prevalence of Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency after Acute Pancreatitis published in eClinicalMedicine – The Lancet Discovery Science EPI is present in over 1/3 of prospectively assessed patients at 12m post-AP sciencedirect.com/science/articl… Grateful to be part of this amazing work!

You are the absolute best my friend Conrad Cole MD !! I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see what you accomplish in the next chapter of your career and life!!

I am thrilled to be selected for CAPER Scholar's Program & look forward to collaborating with Dr. Maisam Haija-PANCREAS, MD, MS University of Cincinnati on impactful #pancreas research! :) American Pancreatic Association National Pancreas Foundation Prabhleen Chahal MD,FASGE,FACG Jean-Paul Achkar Ari Garber MD, EdD Michelle Kim Shounak Majumder MD #CCFGIFELLOWS

Left Gastric Vein termination sites. Important to know this during total pancreatectomy where it needs to be preserved. SAGES is in Long Beach in 2025! Tom Varghese Jr. MD, MS, MBA, FACS, MAMSE 🇺🇸 Julio Mayol

It will be my honor to present among this prestigious group! Cincinnati Children's Pancreas Care Center Cincinnati Children's Division of Gastroenterology #pancreas #research across the Atlantic!

Having #PancreasFest24 in #Cincinnati was a unique opportunity for us to highlight our center & great city in the best way. See the latest Research Horizons blog post for more info! #tpiat #pediatrics #pancreatitis Cincinnati Children's Cincinnati Children's Division of Gastroenterology scienceblog.cincinnatichildrens.org/pancreas-event…

Well deserving grantees! Congratulations Venkata Sandeep Akshintala Juan Pablo Gurría you will get to wonderful #discoveries with this grant! CincyKidsSurg Johns Hopkins University

The room where it happens... All of our #TPIAT patients are presented so our team can determine surgical candidacy & spirited discussions ensue. If you have a patient for us to discuss send a referral! Cincinnati Children's Division of Gastroenterology #pancreatitis #pediatrics

🎉 Cincinnati Children's is at the Live Healthy and Move Health and Wellness Fair in Forest Park! Celebrating National Minority Donor Awareness Month and promoting the importance of organ donation.🌟 #MinorityDonorAwareness #HealthFair #CincinnatiChildrens

The best of the best! Neha Santucci MD

Thank you for all your support, mentorship and guidance Maisam Haija-PANCREAS, MD, MS!! Following your footsteps 🐾🐾 in helping children and their families.

It was my pleasure to give this talk about pediatric EUS. This was a great opportunity for me to revisit and present some of the outstanding research work done by experts in the field of pediatric EUS and pancreatitis Quin David Vitale MD Travis L. Piester Maisam Haija-PANCREAS, MD, MS

CAPER Academy #Pancreas Focused Lectures 2024 🌟 Registration 🔗 bit.ly/CaperAcamedy20… Maisam Haija-PANCREAS, MD, MS David C Whitcomb MD PhD Georgios Papachristou Venkata Sandeep Akshintala Yasmin Hernandez-Barco, MD Andrew Trout Sohail Husain Walter Park Aatur Singhi, MD PhD National Pancreas Foundation American Pancreatic Association

Super excited to work with Moamen Gabr ! Welcome to our beautiful community