Sandra Lombard
ID: 771543422234529793
02-09-2016 03:01:01
220 Tweet
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Thanks for sharing Alice Keeler…
So proud of Mr. Melendez' class learning with technology Innovative Coaching #D59learns @RupleySchool
Sandra Lombard 5th grade Dual Language students teaching @RupleySchool classrooms about the Westward Expansion! So confident and articulate! andrea lynne cohn #duallanguage #socialstudies #yestheycan #academiclanguage
Mrs. Lombard's 4/5 DL students proudly present at the Westward Expansion research symposium. #D59LEARNS @RupleySchool Maureen McAbee Sandra Lombard
Celebrating Inclusion week at Rupley Elementary with great 4th graders #ISchoolsNetwork #D59includes #D59SEL #D59learns