Sandra Lombard (@maestralombard) 's Twitter Profile
Sandra Lombard


ID: 771543422234529793

calendar_today02-09-2016 03:01:01

220 Tweet


315 Following

Education Week (@educationweek) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A principal, an assistant principal, two instructional coaches, and a teacher at one school go deep on continuous improvement:… #ewopinion #continuousimprovement

A principal, an assistant principal, two instructional coaches, and a teacher at one school go deep on continuous improvement:… #ewopinion #continuousimprovement
Griselda Pirtle (@pirtlegriselda) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sandra Lombard 5th grade Dual Language students teaching @RupleySchool classrooms about the Westward Expansion! So confident and articulate! andrea lynne cohn #duallanguage #socialstudies #yestheycan #academiclanguage

<a href="/MaestraLombard/">Sandra Lombard</a> 5th grade Dual Language students teaching @RupleySchool classrooms about the Westward Expansion! So confident and articulate! <a href="/AndreaLcohn/">andrea lynne cohn</a> #duallanguage #socialstudies #yestheycan #academiclanguage
Sandra Lombard (@maestralombard) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An amazing tangible glimpse into how education has remained the same and how it has changed @RupleySchool…

Sandra Lombard (@maestralombard) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We need to be ready for different scenarios this Fall. School Leaders Debate Solutions For an Uncertain 2020-21…