María José Romero
Montevideo & Brussels. Ciencia política (UdelaR/URU) & PhD in international development (SOAS/UK). Work at @eurodad on development finance. Tweets personal.
ID: 876467039963099136
18-06-2017 15:50:01
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#WallStreetConsensus & its failure to mobilise trillions in Financial Times 4 things missing: a) hegemonic dominance of 'mobilising private finance' in development/climate b) asking why hegemony c) mushrooming scaling up initiatives d) do we want success?…
This is so true! The World Bank has been doing this throughout its 80yrs! Too often 'knowledge creation & dissemination' has meant the promotion austerity policies & market-based approaches to development. "BWI at 80: What should the future look like?"
Can we trust the IMF to lead the global energy transition? Or is climate policy at the IMF just greenwashing austerity and structural adjustment? I explore this question in this Phenomenal World article:…
Happy to participate in the Multi-stakeholder Hearing in prep for the 4th Intl Conf on Financing 4 Dev #FfD4. Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism argues that "it is an historical opportunity to transform the existing global economic governance, making it democratic, accountable and in the public interest".
La UE promueve la inversión del sector privado (Europeo) para canalizar los € de la cooperación, pero "¿Quién se beneficia de la Global Gateway?" Eurodad Counter Balance Oxfam EU analizan la estrategia. Desviar escasos € no puede ser una opción! EU - LAT Network LATINDADD
We welcome today’s #EPhearing of Jozef Síkela Commissioner-designate for EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺 & the clear calls from the EP to increase policy coherence, transparency, and concerns about the #GlobalGateway alignment with sustainable development and #HumanRights. More below 🧵⤵️
📅TOMORROW, 14h CET. What has happened since the OECD Development PSI agreement that changed the rules on what counts as #aid? Join our expert panel for the 1st of two webinars exploring #PrivateFinance & ODA. Register: Interpretation in 🇫🇷 &🇪🇸