M. Stephen Trent (@m_strent) 's Twitter Profile
M. Stephen Trent


Scientist working at UGA. Personal Account. Opinions are my own and subject to change. We support the Rebel Alliance!

ID: 2719948178

calendar_today09-08-2014 19:03:37

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271 Following

STUMPED (@stumpedthemovie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎉Congratulations STUMPED director Robin Berghaus is on Bluesky on being selected as a 2024 Ferriss – UC Berkeley Psychedelic Journalism Fellow! ⬇️Learn about the fellows' stories in development on the new era of psychedelics: psychedelics.berkeley.edu/ferriss-uc-ber… UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics Berkeley Journalism

Collet Lab (@jfclab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations Michael Gilmore for your fantastic work! I very much enjoyed discussing with you during the defense!! Thank you CavaLab for the great visit!

George O'Toole (he/him/his) (@geiselbiofilm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The newest issue of JB is out! Minireviews, nitrogen metabolism, siderophores, prophages, phosystems and more. Check it out here: journals.asm.org/toc/jb/206/5 ASM JBacteriology Eds

The newest issue of JB is out!  Minireviews, nitrogen metabolism, siderophores, prophages, phosystems and more.  Check it out here: journals.asm.org/toc/jb/206/5
<a href="/ASMicrobiology/">ASM</a> <a href="/JBacteriology/">JBacteriology Eds</a>
Cory J. White, Ph.D. (@coryjwhite) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey everyone! I’ll soon be on the market for a tenure-track faculty position to start a highly interdisciplinary research program that investigates questions at the intersection of metabolic neurochemistry , disease pathophysiology, and health disparities #HireBlackInNeuro

Hey everyone! I’ll soon be on the market for a tenure-track faculty position  to start a highly interdisciplinary research program that investigates questions at the intersection of metabolic neurochemistry , disease pathophysiology, and health disparities #HireBlackInNeuro
Erin Goley (@goleylab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New pub alert! 🚨🚨🚨 Allison Daitch and esmit191’s work on OpgH in #Caulobacter is out now in mBio. Allison initially described the essential role OpgH and OPGs in Caulo (see preprint thread below)…

Robin Berghaus is on Bluesky (@robinpberghaus) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Oct. 7 is the last day to register to vote in Texas for the Nov. 5 general election. I'm a certified Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR) in Travis County. I can help Travis County residents register and update their addresses. Travis County's FAQs: votetravis.com🧵1/3

Oct. 7 is the last day to register to vote in Texas for the Nov. 5 general election.

I'm a certified Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR) in Travis County. I can help Travis County residents register and update their addresses. 

Travis County's FAQs:
Bacille Diderm Beaud (@basilebeaud) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy to share a chapter of my PhD thesis🐣! We review the diversity of the cell envelope in Terrabacteria which tell us a lot about outer membrane biogenesis and the diderm-to-monoderm transition. Thanks to my co-authors Najwa Taib Christophe Beloin Simonetta Gribaldo nature.com/articles/s4157…

Happy to share a chapter of my PhD thesis🐣! We review the diversity of the cell envelope in Terrabacteria which tell us a lot about outer membrane biogenesis and the diderm-to-monoderm transition. Thanks to my co-authors Najwa Taib <a href="/ChrisBel70/">Christophe Beloin</a> <a href="/SGribaldo/">Simonetta Gribaldo</a> 
Heran Darwin, PhD (@herandarwin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's happening! We are now accepting applications for this inaugural GRC in 2025. Applications with strong abstracts in fundamental mycobacteriology will be prioritized. Hope to see you there! Michael Glickman, MD

Brian Coombes, PhD (@briankcoombes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Every 6 seconds, someone dies from an antibiotic-resistant infection. Today, on day 242 of the year, over 3.2 million people have already been lost to #AMR. That's the equivalent of 85 plane crashes per day every day. Everybody should be talking about this.

Every 6 seconds, someone dies from an antibiotic-resistant infection.  Today, on day 242 of the year, over 3.2 million people have already been lost to #AMR.  That's the equivalent of 85 plane crashes per day every day. Everybody should be talking about this.
George O'Toole (he/him/his) (@geiselbiofilm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New JB: Killips, Gilk et al. uncover a new mechanism for Coxiella to interfere with host cell biology - impacting transcription of lysosomal biogenesis. journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/jb… ASM JBacteriology Eds

Heran Darwin, PhD (@herandarwin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Department of Microbiology NYU Langone Health needs Assistant Professors! Please RT and encourage outstanding colleagues to apply! #NYC apply.interfolio.com/153243