Martin Hemberg
Computational biologist. Scrabble addict. Crossfit junkie.
ID: 3273383719
09-07-2015 20:55:37
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This is what 100K cells from the rectum look like 🤓thanks Jae Won Cho Martin Hemberg and Holger Heyn Victoria Gudiño Ana Corraliza IBD lab

Interested in #CircRNAs, #sperm, #epigeneticinheritance - have a read of our (Eric Miska Lab Johannes Bohacek Martin Hemberg Guillermo Parada) now published article cell.com/iscience/fullt…

The first part of a very fascinating investigation of sequences that normally do not exist in genome is out in Genome Biology Nadav Ahituv Ilias GeoSo Ofer Yizhar-Barnea Ioannis Mouratidis

Splendid work by Joachim De Jonghe and Guillermo Parada on the splicing analysis, which includes an extension of the MicroExonator pipeline

If you ignore the masks it is like 2019 again. Great to be teaching scrnaseq analysis in person again with actual coffee breaks Tallulah Andrews Xianjun Dong Ilya Korsunsky

Another great collaboration with Eric Miska Lab pushed by the very talented and ambitious DerKevinRiehl