I'm a Highland entertainment reporter released back into the wild! E-mail: [email protected]
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15-05-2013 10:10:42
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Glad I booked early for this Rufus Wainwright packed-out night on Saturday Eden Court Highlands Regular Music The gig felt old-school and seriously special ... here's why for me ... REVIEW chrystallweb.com/2024/06/24/rev…

INTERVIEW chrystallweb.com/2024/06/28/int… Never enough words to share the whole conversation after interview with PAWS man Philip Blanco-Taylor as Phillip Jon Taylor solo self. New album De Nada out today. Violet vinyl made in Scotland! gigs! art! Eden Court Highlands Under Canvas! Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival

Counting down to Phillip Jon Taylor at Eden Court Highlands at 4 later today at Under Canvas playing live!

Back at Eden Court Highlands Under Canvas for 4.30pm double bill Phillip Jon Taylor + musicians. And set from Heidi Browne. And also both on later from 8pm too.

Lovely contrasting sets from Phillip Jon Taylor and heidibrowne.co.uk and they’re going again Eden Court Highlands Under Canvas at 8pm! Phillip Jon Taylor

And should have mentioned - a Baby Orff tribute song from Phillip Jon Taylor and his musicians Eden Court Highlands Under Canvas earlier on!! Sounded great! Ahh, this city’s glorious band past …

INTERVIEW chrystallweb.com/2024/07/13/int… Busy Eden Court Highlands Under Canvas, it's hard to keep up with all the artists! But here's a little QnA with Emma Tomlinson The Routes Quartet there Wed July 17, Stratherrick Village Hall day before (16) and The Ceilidh Place Ullapool on Thursday (18)

INTERVIEW chrystallweb.com/2024/07/20/int… talking to Peter Noble about sound experiments in time travel (!), his latest album This Place Sings peternoble.bandcamp.com Live performances and he will be at Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival Burke n Hair next week too!

REVIEW chrystallweb.com/2024/07/21/rev… Excuses, excuses - but it seemed to take forever to pin down everything you wanted to say about this Under Canvas gig Eden Court Highlands er, recently (ahem ...) from Philip Jon Taylor (Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival Seedlings on Friday) + Heidi Browne Phillip Jon Taylor

Gey grey skywise on the way to Bella, but road clear ahead! Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival

‘Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think!’ The Pork Pies end the Garden Stage set Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival with wise words. Last day, sunshine, so much music to fit in yet! Tea + cake at last at the Kiltarlity tea tent (my third time trying, they’ve been so busy!) Embroidery - check!

So Bill Bailey @thechosenlonely then Love Hamish Hawk Twin Atlantic king creosote - all made feasible and properly possible with my lovely branded Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival jetpack!! I mean, I wish. Can’t be far away, can it. See it on the merch stall for the 30th anniversary? 40th?

So who is this Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival bus Q working for???? Long Q. Think we’re 4? 5 buses in? You need better security on the Q, we turn a corner people squeezing through the barrier! Q jumping to the max + people walking through leaving cars. D & E guys so good. Bella security on Q??

REVIEW chrystallweb.com/2024/08/01/rev… So how was Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival for you? From me, some love to give on music etc + things to think about while counting down to next year..! Thanks very much to photographers Trevor Martin Trevor Martin and Alan Cruickshank @AlanCruckshan5

🚨🏴 Scotland’s cultural landscape is at risk of collapse, due to continued inaction and backtracking from the Scottish Government. Please join me in signing the Campaign for the Arts petition to urge ministers to deliver on their arts funding pledges now. campaignforthearts.org/petitions/scot…

I'd so many questions for @vividrootscollective CEO + creative director Laura Walker Laura Walker (Pic Alexander Williamson) on the eve of drama festival Roots 24, from Wednesday online then live at Inverness Creative Academy on Saturday. INTERVIEW chrystallweb.com/2024/10/15/int…