LupinIncreaseLab (@lupinsandmore) 's Twitter Profile


🌱plants, polyploidy, phylogeny, biodiversity, genome evolution, chromosome rearrangements, lupin genetic resources🌱 @IGR PAN/ IPG PAS @Karolina Susek

ID: 1244653212696748034

calendar_today30-03-2020 15:51:10

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INCREASE (@pulses_increase) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On Saturday is World Pulses Day! In this special week, three INCREASE consortium members, share their stories and views on what makes pulses so special to them! We start with Elisa Bellucci, the INCREASE Crop Leader for common bean. #worldpulsesday #lovepulses #pulsesincrease

On Saturday is World Pulses Day! In this special week, three INCREASE consortium members, share their stories and views on what makes pulses so special to them! We start with Elisa Bellucci, the INCREASE Crop Leader for common bean. #worldpulsesday #lovepulses #pulsesincrease
INCREASE (@pulses_increase) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In 3 days is World Pulses Day! Karolina Susek, the INCREASE Crop Leader for lupin, finds that, besides their wonderfuls flowers, lupins have a great diversity in seed size, a great range of taste, they can be prepared in countless ways - and there is still a lot to be explored!

In 3 days is World Pulses Day! Karolina Susek, the INCREASE Crop Leader for lupin, finds that, besides their wonderfuls flowers, lupins have a great diversity in seed size, a great range of taste, they can be prepared in countless ways - and there is still a lot to be explored!
INCREASE (@pulses_increase) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On February 9th remember to soak your #beans and share your recipe to celebrate the #WorldPulsesDay! Use the tag INCREASE and #pulsesincrease #soakthebeans #lovepulses #INCREASEproject #WPD

On February 9th remember to soak your #beans and share your recipe to celebrate the #WorldPulsesDay! Use the tag <a href="/pulses_increase/">INCREASE</a> and #pulsesincrease
#soakthebeans #lovepulses #INCREASEproject #WPD
INCREASE (@pulses_increase) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Celebrating World Pulses Day this week with a home made cassoulet prepared from hundreds of traditional bean varieties from PulsesINCREASE legumes @Agrobiodiversity IDEEV_lab

Celebrating World Pulses Day this week with a home made cassoulet prepared from hundreds of traditional bean varieties from <a href="/PulsesIncrease/">PulsesINCREASE</a> <a href="/legumes/">legumes</a> @Agrobiodiversity <a href="/IdeevL/">IDEEV_lab</a>
INCREASE (@pulses_increase) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tomorrow is World Pulses Day! Remember to soak your pulses tonight!😃🫘 Tania Gioia, INCREASE Crop Leader for lentil, considers pulses to be the best source of plant-based protein. Her favourites are beans and lentils, which she eats every day. What are your favourite pulses?

Tomorrow is World Pulses Day! Remember to soak your pulses tonight!😃🫘 
Tania Gioia, INCREASE Crop Leader for lentil, considers pulses to be the best source of plant-based protein. Her favourites are beans and lentils, which she eats every day. 
What are your favourite pulses?
SERIDA (@seridaast) 's Twitter Profile Photo

¡Hoy es el #DíaMundialdelasLegumbres ! Aquí tienes las más importantes para la alimentación humana en #Asturias: alubias y guisantes ¡¡Delicioso!! 😋 👉#SeridaGV trabaja en la conservación y aprovechamiento de estas leguminosas Legume Hub INCREASE #TOOLBEAN2 Agencia Estatal de Investigación

LupinIncreaseLab (@lupinsandmore) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy World Pulses Day! Pulses have significant nutritional value, they are an important pillar in safeguarding the world’s food security and they bring numerous environmental benefits, #WorldPulsesDay #LovePulses #PulsesINCREASE

Happy World Pulses Day! Pulses have significant nutritional value, they are an important pillar in safeguarding the world’s food security and they bring numerous environmental benefits,
#WorldPulsesDay #LovePulses #PulsesINCREASE
Euroseeds (@euroseedseu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Euroseeds supports the inclusion of all #PRM for marketing in the EU, including direct imports/sales and online marketing in the legislation's scope to ensure proper identification, performance, quality and plant health. 🌍🇪🇺🌱 ➡️ #GrowingTheFuture #EUtrade

INCREASE (@pulses_increase) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"[Rome - May 7 - Palazzo Valentini] Don't miss the opening event of the Annual Meeting of the #INCREASE project! An unmissable opportunity to delve into the crucial role of #agrobiodiversity for a healthier and #sustainable food future! #eventsRome #healthyeating

"[Rome - May 7 - Palazzo Valentini] Don't miss the opening event of the Annual Meeting of the #INCREASE project! An unmissable opportunity to delve into the crucial role of #agrobiodiversity for a healthier and #sustainable food future! #eventsRome #healthyeating