Luigi Siciliani
I am a Professor of Health Economics at the Department of Economics and Related Studies at the University of York
ID: 1172263198533345280
12-09-2019 21:38:33
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EuHEA Luigi Siciliani International Health Economics Association (IHEA) Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Australian Health Economics Society Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam 𝒢𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝒢𝑜𝒹𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓇 🇺🇦 Andrew Jones Dorte Gyrd-Hansen Annika Herr Daniel Kühnle @MartinSGaynor Christoph Kronenberg Nicolas R. Ziebarth Matteo M Galizzi Matt Sutton

A special issue on Gender Norms SJPE featuring articles by Shelly Lundberg and by Abi Adams - please submit your papers! Edited by Ines Lee and me with Editor in Chief David A. Jaeger (econ) . Deadline 31 December 2023 with potential conference in York Economics at York

The Centre for Health Economics wish to appoint a Research Fellow to work across the REAL Demand and REAL Supply research units. More details: shorturl.at/dhyCI

Hiring! Opening of a new post-doc position Università Bocconi Dondena Centre on European Research Council (ERC) funded project IMMUNE on epi modelling, vaccination and human behaviours. Apply here: unibocconi.eu/faculty-postdoc

Our 2022 Annual Report is here! Delivering high quality and impactful projects requires the right research tools, and our annual report shows that The Centre for Health Economics continues to undertake methods research to improve the way we do health economics. Read more at shorturl.at/uzOPY

Panos Kasteridis, Luigi Siciliani and me have recently published a The Centre for Health Economics NIHR ESHCRU working paper on waiting time prioritisation in the UK NHS using data from before and after the onset of the pandemic. Here’s some quick highlights 🧵👇1/

Arne Risa Hole (Universitat Jaume I) and I are delighted to announce the call for abstracts for the 1st UAM-UJI Workshop on the Economics of Health and Human Capital that will take place in Madrid on the 21st of June 2024. sites.google.com/view/uam-ujiwo… 1/n

These new PhD scholarships available (paying UK and/or international fees) at The Centre for Health Economics will fund research in three specific topic areas in UK health policy economics. Feel free to contact me or any of the other PhD supervisors for advice on how to develop a proposal. x.com/cheyork/status…

📢 You still have *10 days* to send your abstract to the Workshop on the Economics of Health and Human Capital jointly organised by UAM Autónoma Madrid & Universitat Jaume I that will take place on the 21st June 2024 in beautiful Madrid #Health #HumanCapital sites.google.com/view/uam-ujiwo…

A revised version of the NBER w.p. has now been published (with a different title) Journal of Health Economics. authors.elsevier.com/a/1iuw1c7LGCJx9

Luigi Siciliani Strategy Unit strategyunitwm.nhs.uk/publications/c…