Lucie Guertault
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Ass. Prof. in Bio. and Ag. Eng. at North Carolina State University.
Water Resources Engineering + Engineering Education
ID: 822564774361841669
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-vQRpYMAAAAJ&hl=en 20-01-2017 22:01:39
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REEU SIPP from NC State BAE is visiting INRAE Antony today. We learned about the long term hydrologic and water quality monitoring in the Orgeval catchment, the impact of pesticides on gamarides, European water laws and Dr. Birgand gave a research presentation.

Last week my dad and I presented on his farm's subsurface drainage system to REEU SIPP students. Great application of my NC State BAE course on Water Management!

Today the REEU SIPP visited the wastewater treatment system at Walnut Cove with Dr. Burchell NC State BAE Wetland and helped take water samples for an ongoing research project.

Congratulations to Tommy Stephenson from NC State BAE for receiving the ASEE BAE division Early Career Achievement in Engineering Education award!

REEU SIPP visited tidewater research station and field sites on eastern NC with NC State BAE assistant Professor and extension specialist Dr. Chad Poole. We discussed drainage, drainage water recycling and water stress and nutrient management for corn and soybeans.

My hydrology course NC State BAE welcomed Dr. Luis Sañudo from university of Oviedo Spain to present his research aiming to answer the question: are we using the correct precipitation values when designing storm water control measures ?

On this rainy day, my hydrology students did a double ring infiltration test in Weaver Labs flower beds NC State BAE