Lello Tesema
Primary care doc | Director of Population Health at LA County Correctional Health Services | Student of social movements | Frm @RWJFCSP | Views my own
ID: 4015118232
25-10-2015 16:39:58
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Our veterans deserve healthcare and citizenship. End deportation, bring them home. ACLU SoCal ACLU of Northern CA statnews.com/2017/12/19/vet…
ICYMI, Archive: Governor Andrew Cuomo announces sweeping criminal justice reform proposal for NY State, including ending cash bail for those with misdemeanor or nonviolent felony charges: bit.ly/2CNrguA
Our healthcare deepens the wealth divide. Great study and coverage by friends and colleagues Andrea S. Christopher, MD, MPH Steffie Woolhandler #singlepayernow Medicare For All x.com/andrea_sylvie/…
ACA lowered spending for the most poor. Does affordability = value? Key study by friend Anna Goldman Steffie Woolhandler jamanetwork.com/journals/jamai…
Penn CSP Alums Anna U. Morgan, MD, MSc, MSHP & Krisda H Chaiyachati: Eliminating Gender-Based Bias in Academic Medicine: More Than Naming the “Elephant in the Room” goo.gl/g1DJCL JGIM Journal of General Internal Medicine MSHP @ Penn @JoshuaLiaoMD Gary Weissman National CSP Clinical Scholars Program Alumni Association
"The best way to mitigate the effects of jail is to keep people out of jail." -- Lello Tesema #BUSPHSymposia
Eye opening talk by Altaf Saadi MD MSc on the call for healthcare professionals to engage and interrogate hostile immigration policies (that pre-date current regime), and proposals for how to protect our patients. #sanctuaryhospitals #BUSPHsymposia x.com/BekRx/status/9…