David Howell
In and out of Governments for 50 years, Chairman of the Windsor Energy Group.President Commonwealth Parliamentary Group . Order of Sacred Treasure (Japan). PC.
ID: 235195446
http://www.lorddavidhowell.com 07-01-2011 16:00:03
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Andrew Neil Very few of the Sunak cabinet would be out of place in a Blair or Brown cabinet. Braverman and Jenrick were the notable exceptions and they got ousted for it. There is not a single traditional Tory policy Sunak’s government is pursuing e.g. crime, immigration, defence, etc.

Can the Conservative party survive defeat? | FT Film ft.com/video/2ebac039… via Financial Times. Interesting but missing THE key point - which is that the left-right economic debate is fading world-wide and a new common ground of social capitalism is emerging.More