Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile
Long Branch BIA


A community of local businesses providing a variety of products and services in Long Branch. Follow us and see why It's Cooler By The Lake! #LongBranchTO

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Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

THIS SATURDAY! Don’t miss T.J. O’shea’s Irish Snug PATIO PARTY! 3481 Lake Shore Blvd W, at 31’st Street. osheasirishsnug.com #LongBranchTO

Don’t miss T.J. O’shea’s Irish Snug PATIO PARTY!

3481 Lake Shore Blvd W, at 31’st Street.

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

First Kids Summer Art class by EtobicokeDoodle is Tie Dye Snail!🐌 Wed July 10th 10:30am-12:30pm. $30+tax includes supervision, pottery project, pizza lunch, fun and games! Register here: crockadoodle.com/etobicoke/stud… 3422 Lake Shore Blvd W, by 29’th Street. #LongBranchTO

First Kids Summer Art class by <a href="/DoodleEtobicoke/">EtobicokeDoodle</a> is Tie Dye Snail!🐌 Wed July 10th 10:30am-12:30pm. $30+tax includes supervision, pottery project, pizza lunch, fun and games! 
Register here: crockadoodle.com/etobicoke/stud…

3422 Lake Shore Blvd W, by 29’th Street.
Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Perfect time to buy a bike! Save $400 at Oxygen Bike Co. on a GT Avalanche mountain bike. Now just $600 +hst while supplies last. 416-259-2453 3267 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 23’rd Street. oxygenbikes.com #LongBranchTO

Perfect time to buy a bike!
Save $400 at <a href="/OxygenBikes/">Oxygen Bike Co.</a> on a GT Avalanche mountain bike.   Now just $600 +hst while supplies last.

3267 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 23’rd Street.

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrive Eatery IS OPEN TODAY until 3pm! MENU: thrivelakeshore.ca 3473 Lake Shore Blvd W, at 31’st Street. 416-252-7700 #LongBranchTO

Thrive Eatery IS OPEN TODAY until 3pm!

MENU: thrivelakeshore.ca
3473 Lake Shore Blvd W, at 31’st Street.

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have you ordered from Masala BLVD yet? 3260 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 24’th Street. order.store/ca/store/masal… #LongBranchTO

Have you ordered from Masala BLVD yet?
3260 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 24’th Street.

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

. The Happy Bakers is HIRING! Drop by with your resume (1-1.5 years professional experience). 3469 Lake Shore Boulevard W., by 31’st St. Monday to Saturday 8-6 Sunday 9-4 (416) 708-9525. #LongBranchTO

. <a href="/TheHappyBakers/">The Happy Bakers</a> is HIRING!
Drop by with your resume (1-1.5 years professional experience).

3469 Lake Shore Boulevard W., by 31’st St.
Monday to Saturday 8-6
Sunday 9-4 
(416) 708-9525.

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Book your appointment with Organization Grooming Lounge! 3319 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 27’th Street. (416)-252-9494 Book online: theorganization.ca #LongBranchTO

Book your appointment with Organization Grooming Lounge!

3319 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 27’th Street.
 Book online: theorganization.ca

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW Vinyasa & Pilates class @ Mukti Studio! 3301 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 25’th Street. 416-830-9150 muktistudio.ca #LongBranchTO

NEW Vinyasa &amp; Pilates class @ Mukti Studio! 

3301 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 25’th Street.

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There’s no such thing at “too much” when it comes to creating one’s vision”. Tolo Clothier 3509 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 33’rd Street. toloclothier.com 647-618-5949 #LongBranchTO

There’s no such thing at “too much” when it comes to creating one’s vision”.
<a href="/ToloClothier/">Tolo Clothier</a> 
3509 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 33’rd Street.

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Consider My Petropolis for pet grooming, doggy daycare, vacation stay and don’t forget to visit their beautiful accessories’ boutique! 416-792-3600 3367 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 27’th Street. mypetropolis.com #LongBranchTO

Consider <a href="/MyPetropolisDD/">My Petropolis</a> for pet grooming, doggy daycare, vacation stay and don’t forget to visit their beautiful accessories’ boutique!

3367 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 27’th Street.

Long Branch BIA (@longbranchbia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Adriano’s PIZZA is a fantastic local option! 3329 Lake Shore Blvd W, by 27’th Street. 416-792-4074 adrianospizza.ca #LongBranchTO

Adriano’s PIZZA is a fantastic local option!
3329 Lake Shore Blvd W, by 27’th Street.
