Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile
Linus Alexander Völker


Clinical Nephrologist @ University Hospital of Cologne & avid birder. Tweets are my own.

ID: 36331715

link calendar_today29-04-2009 10:51:20

169 Tweet


447 Following

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (@bmwk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Der Terrorangriff der Hamas auf #Israel ist jetzt bald vier Wochen her. Vieles ist seitdem passiert, die öffentliche Debatte aufgeheizt und verworren. Im Video deshalb einige Gedanken von Vizekanzler und Minister Robert #Habeck zur Einordnung und Differenzierung.

Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While I admire the savvy diagnostic considerations, I feel that the treatment is outdated. Caplacizumab should be frontline therapy in most patients given the accumulating evidence for clinical benefit. Our thoughts on this: Camila Masias

Michael Makris (@profmakris) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The FDA has approved recombinant ADAMTS-13 for the treatment of congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (#TTP). In the US it will be marketed under the name Adzynma.

The FDA has approved recombinant ADAMTS-13 for the treatment of congenital thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (#TTP). In the US it will be marketed under the name Adzynma.
flora peyvandi (@flora_peyvandi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Takeda’s #ADZYNMA (ADAMTS13, recombinant-krhn) now is approved by U.S. FDA as the First and Only a#Recombinant ADAMTS13 Enzyme Replacement Therapy for the Treatment of #Congenital Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (cTTP)

Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pre-print access to our data on the feasibility of Management of Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Without Therapeutic Plasma Exchange SSRN… #TTP

Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Convincing data on important patient-centered outcomes. Results from an amazing world-wide collaboration! Great to be part of the international efforts! #ASH2023 #ttp #capla500

Ming Y Lim 明林 (@heme_fan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud to share the work by Yazan Abou-Ismail, MD - د. يزن أبواسماعيل describing fatal outcomes in iTTP using the USTMA TTP Registry! UofUHeme A Descriptive Analysis of Fatal Outcomes in Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in the USTMA TTP Registry…

Dr. Matoussevitch (@dmatoussevitch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some more reflections from our annual Vascular Access Meeting: Amazing presentation made by Dr. Polina Todorova who discussed the evidence on the use of direct oral anticoagulants in access surgery, both peri and postoperatively. #VascularAccess #AVF #VascularAccessCologne

Some more reflections from our annual Vascular Access Meeting: Amazing presentation  made by Dr. Polina Todorova  who discussed the evidence on the use of direct oral anticoagulants in access surgery, both peri and postoperatively. #VascularAccess #AVF #VascularAccessCologne
Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How to monitor disease progression and therapy response in wild-type transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy? Our efforts led by Svenja Ney and Roman Pfister show there's much work to be done! Check it out: #mdpijcm via JCM MDPI MDPI Universität zu Köln

Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP, and AIHA - triple hit in a patient w/systemic lupus erythematodes. Our thoughts on the management of this unusual and complex condition: DOI 10.5414/CNCS111193 #iTTP #ITP #Lupus

Carlo Cervia-Hasler (@carlo_cervia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our work on #LongCovid 🩸 is now out in Science Magazine! We found increased complement activation and markers of thromboinflammation in patients with active Long Covid. 1/…

ADFC Köln (@adfckoeln) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Vor fünf Jahren haben wir in einem Artikel dokumentiert, wie mit motorisierter Gewalt umgegangen wird. Es wird niemanden überraschen, dass es im Text auch um Natenom geht.…

Victor Suárez (@vsuarez_md) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ein Fall, der uns letztes Jahr im konservativen Schockraum der #ukk beschäftigt hat: Atemwegsschwellung nach Trinken von Rohrreiniger | Danke an alle Co-Autoren, stellvertretend ⁦Christoph Hüser⁩ und ⁦Ralf Blomeyer⁩…

Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mein Gedanken sind bei der Familie des Opfers. Ich fahre täglich mit dem Fahrrad an dieser Stelle entlang. Ein Blick auf die Verkehrsführung und das unkontrollierte Parken hier macht jedem sofort klar, wie egal der Stadt Köln die Sicherheit der Fahrradfahrer und Fußgänger ist.

Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One of the most pressing questions in the era of caplacizumab is if iTTP can be managed without plasma exchange! Check out our paper addressing this question: Management of Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura without Therapeutic Plasma Exchange…

Roman-Ulrich Müller (@muellerrom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Food is medicine...and what we eat governs outcome in many types of diseases (if not all). This includes solid organ transplantation. Fueling the success of transplantation through nutrition:... : Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation…

Linus Alexander Völker (@linusalexanderv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our comment on Recombinant ADAMTS13 for Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura | New England Journal of Medicine… Ralph Wendt and Paul Brinkkötter

Saarang Deshpande (@sr_deshpandemd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧵Thread on frontline caplacizumab and plasma exchange in TTP🚨 With advancing care for immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP), let’s discuss frontline caplacizumab (capla) and the future for therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) ⤵️ #hemetwitter #TTP #caplacizumab 1/22

🧵Thread on frontline caplacizumab and plasma exchange in TTP🚨

With advancing care for immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP), let’s discuss frontline caplacizumab (capla) and the future for therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) ⤵️

#hemetwitter #TTP #caplacizumab