Linda L. Singh
Dr. Singh is a #leadership expert with over 38 years experience, #speaker, #boardadvisor, #CEO, #author of Moments of Choice, What's In Your Box
ID: 2778105611
http://www.LindaLSingh.com 20-09-2014 18:35:48
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With startup interest on the rise, Start Us Up’s Rebuilding Better plan has concrete recommendations for governments to guarantee policymakers meet the moment. Read them today. x.com/StartUsUpNow/s…

🚨NEW EPISODE🚨 Here's a breakdown: ◽️Linda L. Singh on holding military leaders accountable for addressing sexual assault ◽️@Meghann_MT on the military’s efforts to tackle extremism within its ranks ◽️Geraldine Moriba on what constitutes extremism 🎧: our-body-politic.simplecast.com/episodes/how-t…

Working for Sen.Kathy Klausmeier affords me the opportunity to meet outstanding people like Linda L. Singh! #19thAmendment Commission soon active

PM Jüri Ratas welcomed Maj-Gen Linda L. Singh to #Tallinn to discuss 🇪🇪-🇺🇸 defence & cyber co-op.

Long lasting and excellent cooperation between Estonia and Maryland. MD National Guard role in providing security is highly valued. #AlliedStrong

Zapovjednica Nacionalne garde Marylanda Linda L. Singh u posjetu Ministarstvu obrane - partnerstvo BiH i Marylanda od krucijalne važnosti goo.gl/jYhh9Y

WATCH: #ICYMI Governor Larry Hogan, Calvin Ball and Linda L. Singh visit #HowardCC to speak with students & faculty, and tour the Science, Engineering & Technology and Health Sciences buildings. #HoCoDay cc: Maryland Higher Education Commission