c.cu (@limnul) 's Twitter Profile


ID: 169688383

linkhttp://soundcloud.com/ccu calendar_today22-07-2010 23:07:20

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White Rabbit Books (@whiterabbitbks) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Only 100 of these deluxe David Keenan INDUSTRY OF #MAGICandLIGHT proofs exist - and you could get your hands on No.7⃣ Just retweet this for the chance to WIN proof + coveted Industry time capsule... [Closes midnight Sunday, UK only sorry. Full T&Cs: bit.ly/MagicLightTCs]

Only 100 of these deluxe <a href="/reversediorama/">David Keenan</a> INDUSTRY OF #MAGICandLIGHT proofs exist - and you could get your hands on No.7⃣

Just retweet this for the chance to WIN proof + coveted Industry time capsule...

[Closes midnight Sunday, UK only sorry. Full T&amp;Cs: bit.ly/MagicLightTCs]
Phirnis (@phirnis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Deep in thought during last Friday's duo set with The Euphoric Hum at @phonophon fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash…

Andreas Engström (@andreasengstrom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Saw Susan Philipsz soundinstallation at Hamburger Bahnhof. She's ok, but also so very shallow. No wonder the art world loves her