Likhitha Kolla
MD/PhD student @PennMedicine @HACLab_ | Previously @williamandmary @nidcd
ID: 1684196464237457408
26-07-2023 13:38:30
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149 Following

🚨New HACBlog!🚨 Algorithms used in clinic to make decisions on patient care may deteriorate in performance over time. In this blog, Likhitha Kolla explores the concept of “performance drift”. haclab.org/blog/introduct… Ravi B. Parikh Penn Cancer Innovation Penn Center for Health Incentives+Behavioral Econ

🚨NEW HACBlog!🚨 Algorithms leverage existing data to predict an outcome. In this blog, Caleb Hearn starts exploring the concept of "Algorithmic Bias" haclab.org/blog/introduct… Ravi B. Parikh Penn Center for Health Incentives+Behavioral Econ Penn Cancer Innovation

Check out our latest review in American Cancer Society ACS Journal Cancer of #ArtificialIntelligence in #Oncology, led by Penn Medicine Likhitha Kolla, focused on diagnostics, prognostics, and #LLMs & #Chatbots! @HACLab_UPenn acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cn…

In this new #OpenAccess review, Likhitha Kolla and Ravi B. Parikh discuss uses and limitations of AI for oncology in areas ranging from diagnosis to prognosis to generative AI and patient communication. acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cn… OncoAlert

#PC3IatASCO: Ravi B. Parikh, Zeke Emanuel, & team including PC3I Fellow Likhitha Kolla using #ArtificialIntelligence + Human teams to improve timeliness of #oncology trial prescreening. #ASCO24 #ASCO ASCO meetings.asco.org/abstracts-pres…