International Laboratory for Human Genome Research - @UNAM_MX - Laboratorio Internacional de Investigación sobre el Genoma Humano
ID: 3233542055 04-05-2015 14:37:59
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Un poquito retrasada, pero quiero compartirles con mucho orgullo que el pasado junio se titularon Athena Tamayo y Sometimes, A Serious Scientist de la LCG UNAM, ¡felicidades, Lic. Athena Tamayo y Lic. Emiliano Sánchez! 🎉Ambos proyectos en el laboratorio contribuyen a expandir las capacidades de CoRa.
Thanks to Abigail Lind from Georgia Tech for speaking today at the #HorizonsInGenomics seminar about "Genomic evolution of host-associated eukaryotes". Fantastic presentation and great discussion.
It was great to visit New England Biolabs in May to give a seminar & talk about our efforts improving access to genomic sequencing for patients living with #RareDiseases in Mexico & Latin America to realize #PrecisionMedicine You can listen more about it in the NEB Podcast now👇🏽
¡Feliz inicio de semestre a toda nuestra comunidad UNAM! LIIGH LCG UNAM Juriquilla (LCGEJ) "Recuerden siempre que la educación es un bien público, un derecho inalienable y una herramienta insustituible para mejorar su calidad de vida y la de quienes les rodean."…
In the latest NEB podcast episode, hear from Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui about the current state of diagnostic testing, precision medicine, and public health in Mexico and Latin America. #NEBpodcast
Thanks to Sachin Rawat for writing on important topics such as the need to increase diversity and representation of populations in genomic studies and build trust with communities to make #PrecisionMedicine equitable. Read this insightful piece here 👇🏽…
We are super excited to host Julia Newton-Bishop University of Leeds 🇬🇧 at LIIGH - she is telling us an intriguing story of #epidemiology over many years to dissect the role of #VitaminD in cancer development and patient survivakll
Congratulations to MSc graduate Issis Abril Pérez Issis Perez for the successful defense of her Master's project and her mentor Dr. Claudia Gonzaga Jáuregui Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui, who leads the Mendelian Genomics and Precision Health Lab LIIGH!
A bit late, but I just saw this great short video Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine summarizing our latest article on the association of MRC2 w/supraventricular tachycardia & WPW. Took 10+ years from when I first identified the variant as a grad student LupskiLab & a lot of work from Xander Wehrens lab!
Excited to be part of the 1st Nanopore Day Mexico presenting our efforts to study #RareDiseases in Mexico, enabling molecular diagnostics through genomic technologies. We are hoping to be able to get a Oxford Nanopore system in our lab to do long-read WGS of Mexican individuals soon!
Valeria's paper is out! This work started when she was working as an undergraduate student in Diego Ortega-Del Vecchyo 's group.